Chapter 26

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Paige POV

Apparently, i only have 20 minutes left to spare with Shay and Scarlette. I have no time to buy my food but yes, i have the time to talk like there's no tomorrow to my bestfriends about what happened.

"Oh my god babe! Robert is a total jerk! But im glad Dylan is there for you. Anyway, Dylan, eh?" Shay is wiggling her eyebrows.

"No okay. He's attached." I tried to hide my flushed cheeks.

"Who cares, Paige. He helped you a lot. And maybe, who knows, that he also likes you secretly?" Shay and her assumptions.

"No chance for that. This topic ends here. Next topic please." I tried to sound uninterested with Shay's assumption. Okay, what if he really secretly likes me?

Not long after, lunch is over. I bid goodbye to Shay and Scarlette and head down to my class. That feeling when your subject teacher is on leave, is the best. That means, party time is the answer. Not party, party, if you get what i meant.

"Dylan, stop reading that book. You're so boring!" I snatched the TFIOS storybook from Dylan.

"Tsk. I was at the best part, Paige! You ruined the moment! Give me back, pretty pretty please." Dylan batted his eyelash.

"Eww don't do that! It doesn't suits you!" I hit his arm playfully using his book.

"I'm bored. Ah! Why not, you tell me what is going on between you and your girlfriend ?" I grinned, happy with the idea.

"What? You kid me not. I thought you don't have anymore questions about us? Hmmmm... Decided to change that little mind of yours, hm?" Dylan tapped my nose.

"No questions but story telling time. Tell me about you and Kate." I wanted to know. I don't know why, but i just want to know. You know?

"I grew up with Kate since we're 3 years old. Our parents shared a business and were too busy to occupy their time with us. I knew a lot about Kate and so does she about me. I treat Kate just like my own sister. But one day, my parents had an agreement with Kate's parent. In order for their business to continue to grow, they came out with this idea. For me to marry Kate once i finished my college. And before I'll marry Kate, we have to date each other. You know, to share some chemistry..." Okay... Maybe i understand a bit. But there's more right?

"Okay...go on. Im still listening." I nodded my head.

"You know what? I think thats enough story telling for today. You should take this opportunity to do some revision, Paige. Don't waste your time." All too soon for Dylan to left his story hanging.

"I'll do revision at home. Continue your story please." This time, it's my turn to batt my eyelashes.

"Maybe next time, okay? You know enough already. Now revise math." Dylan is like queen control.

"Okay, okay. Chill out man. Im revising. See, math textbook." I waved him my book.

"Good." I heard Dylan muttered.


"Paige! Come down here, honey! I need to speak to you." My mum called out from downstairs.

"Coming!" I rushed out of my bedroom.

"Yes mum?"

"I received a call from Mrs Hemmington a while ago." My mum said matter-of-fact.


"You tell me, Paige. What went wrong? You promised you did your best, right? Results are horrendous. Crappy grades. What have you been doing, Paige? How are you going to tell your dad about that?" Mum is really unhappy about this. I can hear the shakiness of her voice. I knew she is going to break down any time now.

Then, a tear dropped from mum's eye. Mum quickly wiped it away using the back of her hand. She cleared her throat.

"I am going to meet your teachers tomorrow afternoon. Alone. Your dad can't make it." Mum said. Wait a minute.

"M..mum, you informed dad already?" I was shocked.

"I had to. I have no choice." Wow! This is just great!

"Okay. I'll accompany you along, tomorrow." With that, i left my mum and went back to my room.

This is just too much. I am really disappointed in myself too. I don't even have the motivation to study. To hell with finals. Deep down though, i know i want to complete this finals with flying colors. Who doesn't want that, right? With my atrocious mid year exam results, will i still have the chance to score straight As for finals? Hmmm... We'll see.

On Tuesday, in the afternoon, after school is over, i met my mum in my school to accompany her for the parent-teacher meeting. I'm really afraid to talk to my mum. I know she is still upset with me.

Once my mum and Mrs H. shook their hands, they took their seats. This meeting is held in my classroom.

"Paige is a dedicated young lady who conducts herself with pride and dignity. While she can be reserved at times, her words speaks volumes. Paige has assimilated well with her new classmates and is quickly becoming an integral element of the class. However, she has highlighted some difficulties in coping up during lessons and results has slipped in certain subjects. She has not been handing in her math homework on time and have been to detention quite a few times lately. Besides that, i am more than pleased to tell you that she is the top student for biology." Thank you Mrs. H. for praising me but no thank you for telling my mum about the detention.

"Detention? A few times? Really, Paige? Why did you not tell me about it?" Mum gave me a questioning look.

"I don't find it necessary to tell you, mum." I honestly said.

"Paige is very feeble in her math subject. Getting undergrade for math is not the answer. Math is very important subject in order for her to graduate high school. If she gets the same grade again for finals, im afraid that she have to repeat her senior year. Other subjects, she is fine with it. Paige have to understand that she cannot focused to much on studying biology. She have to balance her time well to study different subjects equally." Mum nodded her head at every sentence that Mrs H. said.

"Okay. I will now start to do a routine check on Paige. I will make sure she does all her homeworks and complete it on time. For now, i should put Paige's work on hold till finals are over. Oh, and Mrs Hemmington? Can i ask for a tutor to teach Paige math till finals? Is that possible?" Wait a minute. Routine checks? Put my work on hold? A tutor? This is too much already.

"But mum–" I was cut off by a knocked on the door before i could protest. Ms Jenny? What the actual heck she is doing here?

"Hi. Im Ms Jenny, Paige's math teacher." Ms Jenny shook hands with mum.

"Paige's mother." Mum nodded towards Ms Jenny.

"Ms Jenny, do you have anyone in mind to recommend as a math tutor for Paige?" Mrs H. asked.

"Dylan would be the best math tutor for Paige. Moreover, they are partners in class. And plus, Dylan is the top student for math." Dylan? My tutor? No way!

"No tutor please. I promise i will study math until i understand." I begged all of them.

"No, Paige. Remember the last time you promised me? I bet it won't work this time too. So, teachers, when can Dylan start tutoring Paige?" Mum directed her attention to the two teachers opposite her.

"I will informed Dylan about this first then i will give you a phone call as soon as possible." Ms Jenny said.

"Alright. So, is there anything else that i need to know about Paige?" Mum asked.

"That's all for now." Mrs H. confirmed.

"Thank you, Mrs Hemmington and Ms Jenny. Nice meeting you. I'll make a move first." Mum stood up followed by the two teachers. Mum shook their hands professionally and then we left.

Yay! I love my life now.

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