Chapter 11

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Robert POV

I have been staring at the empty desk in front of me in class. Where is she? I glanced at my watch. Class has already began half an hour ago. Is she late? I looked at the desk next to it. I smirked to myself. Dylan is so lonely today.

The first lesson has already ended. She is still not here. Even though she never did her homework, never have she truant any classes. I guess i shall wait until lunch time to ask Shay and Scarlette what happened to Paige.

"Shay, Scarlette! Wait up!" I ran after them after seeing them coming out from their class.

"Robert? What's up?" Scarlette asked curiously.

"It's Paige. What happened to her? Why is she not in school today?" I bombard them with questions.

"I have not seen her today. She's not in school?" Shay asked me worriedly.

"That's the thing. She has never skipped school for all i know." This time, a smile curled up at Shay's lip. Her eyebrows raised.

"And how do you know that? Have you been stalking her lately?" I am now flushing red.

"I...I'm serious Shay. What happened to her?" I tried changing the topic.

"Let's go to her house after school." Scarlette suggested.

"Right. I will follow you guys. Wait for me after school." With that, i left them.

I don't even have the appetite to eat. My mind keeps on thinking about Paige. What is she doing now? Is she alone? Is she...sick? I will find out after school. Time, please move faster.


Paige POV

I was in the kitchen eating chicken flavored porridge when the doorbell rang. I thought mum decided to come back home early to make a surprise. I head towards the door and swing it open. The last thing i want to see is them. Why are they here anyways? Im in a horrible state of mess with my hair uncombed, baggy shirt and a mini short. This is so embarrassing especially Robert is standing in front of me, looking surprised.

"What the hell, Paige? Sorry, but i have to say this. You look like shit." Oh, thanks Shay.

"Nice seeing you too, Shay. What are you doing here?" I move aside to let them in.

"Paige, are you okay? Why did you never come to school today? I would never thought that you would actually skipped school." Robert is so concern. I melted.

"Look, im fine, alright? It is just that this morning i had a high fever. Mum told me to stay in." I explained.

"Why didn't you call us, Paige? You forgotten about us." Scarlette say in a sad tone.

"I will never forget about you girls okay? I was trying so hard to sleep. Sorry Scarlette." I walked over to Scarlette and gave her a hug. Soon, Shay joined in too.

"Ahem. I...i guess i should leave now since you are alright. Make sure i see you in school tomorrow, Paige. Get well soon." Is Robert nervous?

After i walk Robert out, i came back with two girls, wiggling their eyebrows. "What?"

"Oh. My. God. I think Robert still likes you. He is so caring about you. The way he look at you, gosh, Paige, what are you waiting for? Did you know how he looked like in school, today? He looked like zombie!" Shay is overly excited.

"Robert is just concern. Nothing more. I don't think he still likes me. It's one year already since i knew about the rumor. He should have given up." Robert still likes me? I shook that thought away.

"Why not, you and Robert get together? Awww so cute. Shay and Robert sitting on the tree
k.i.s.s.i.n.g!" Me and Scarlette burst into hysteric laughter after singing the childhood song. Shay's is already as red as the tomato.

"Stop it girls. He is not into me, alright. He likes you, Paige. You." Shay said pointing to me. I can see her smiling.

"Whatever you say, Shay." I sang.


The next day, i walked into class seeing Robert is already on his desk. I looked at him and he nodded to me, smiling. I took my seat next to Dylan. He is busy reading his novel to notice my presence. So, i ignored him. Every time i looked at him, i remembered the whole incident during detention hour. From the bullying, to the embrace, to the tickling and to the phone call. I closed my eyes wishing that when i opened them, the thoughts would vanish. But it's not working. It is still lingering at the back of my mind.

"Here's your homework for yesterday." Dylan break my thoughts.

I gave him a half smile and I took the papers from him.

"Hey what happened yest-" Before he could finished his sentence,

"Good morning class." Mrs Hemmigton greeted.

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