Chapter 23

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Paige POV

"Who are you? Where are you?" I was terrified.

"It's me, Ro...Robert. Here, to your right." Robert? I get up from where I've been sitting and head towards my right. I saw a black figure. Must be him.

I rush over to Robert who is throwing up non-stop. "Robert! You're wasted! How much have you been drinking?"

"I don't remember, Paige. Im so sick..." Then he continued throwing up on the grass.

Once he stop vomiting, i tried to steady him. I put his right arm over my shoulder and i slide my left hand behind his back. I can't possibly let him stay here and vomit all his lungs out, right? Im still his friend, though.

"Control yourself. Im gonna take you to a room." Damn! Robert is so heavy! Imagine i had to carry him all the way to the second floor.

I pushed past all the drunkards and finally i reached the staircase. I climbed the stairs with Robert hanging onto me. Once i reached the second floor i went over to the nearest bedroom. Phew, no one is here. I lay Robert on the bed. Robert is already half conscious.

"I'll leave you here, okay?" I whispered next to Robert left ear.

Just as i was about to turn around to head for the door, Robert grabbed my arms and pushed me towards the bed. He stood up and locked the door.

"Robert, you don't know what you're doing. You're drunk, Robert." I tried to calm myself down.

"Paige, you rejected me. I was so hurt, Paige." He slurred while striding towards me, eyeing every parts of my body.

I started to feel uneasy. I pushed myself all the way till my back hit the wall.

"Robert, don't do this. You will regret." I tried to consoled him. He ignored me entirely and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me towards him and then he pushed me on to the bed. I tried to get up but he used his strong arms to prevent me from escaping. Next thing i know is Robert is on top of me on the bed.

"Robert! Please let me go! Don't do this! You're still my friend, Robert." I cried.

"Shut up woman." Who is this devil?

"HELP! ANYONE HELP ME!!!" I screamed for help even though i know i can't compete with the loud booming music.

"HE–" Oh no, i think im having a déjà vu. Robert covered my mouth with his large palm of hand.

"I said, SHUT UP!" Robert just shouted at me for the first time. I became weak. I had no energy to fight this man back.

Robert is trailing his hands down my body and under my shirt. Eeewwww this is so disgusting. I shook my head vigorously trying to stop Robert. Apparently, it makes no use. Robert plant his kisses around my neck, my face, everywhere. I swear this is the most disgusted feeling ever in my life.

I literally cried. I tried to shout but only it came out as a muffled scream. I can't do anything. The only thing i had in mind is to surrender.

"Goddamnit Robert! What the fuck are you doing?! You drunk bastard!" A fist meets Robert's jaw. Dylan came into view.

"Don't interfere, Dylan!" Robert get his ass up. He was about to march over to me when Dylan's fist came in contact with Robert's stomach. I took this opportunity to pull the blanket off the bed and wrapped around me. I hide myself at the edge of the room. I closed my eyes. I was too afraid to open it up to witness the fight. I was shivering with fright. I rock back and forth while shaking my head. I should've left Robert down there. I shouldn't have help Robert. I shouldn't come to this chalet. This is my fault. Why am i so stupid? I cried and cried until my tears went dry.

"Paige? Oh my god! Are you okay?" Dylan asked in a soft voice even though i still could hear the worried-ness behind his tone. Anyway, his voice is so soothing.

I shook my head.

"Paige please talk."

I shook my head again. I can't talk Dylan. I can't even open my eyes!

"Paige, come on, look at me. Open your eyes."

I shook my head.

Next thing i know is, im in Dylan's embrace. I feel so secure.

"Stay with me." Was all i could say and then i sobbed into his chest.

"This is my fault, Paige. Im the one who forced you to come over and then i left you alone. Im sorry, Paige." He sounded so hurt and upset.

I continued to sob while Dylan caressed my back.

"Do you want to call your mum, Paige?" Dylan asked in a low tone.

"No, don't." I don't want my mum to be worried sick about me.

"Do you want to go home?" How am i supposed to go home at this hour, alone, in the dark? I can't asked Dylan to send me home. He have helped me a lot recently. Besides, he probably still wants to enjoy his time here. So, i stayed silent.

"Paige, i can send you home." He offered.

"Dylan, it's okay. I trouble you a lot already. I guess, i just stay here for the night." I said after making my decision.

"Okay. I'll accompany you, i promise i won't go anywhere. And i promise Robert won't touch you ever again."

"Thank you so much, Dylan."

It felt like hours of being in Dylan's arms. It is so comfortable and before i knew it, i knocked out in his arms.

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