Chapter Seven

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Meghan's POV

"Meghan, wake up!" I feel someone jump on me.

"No." I groan, shoving my head into the pillow.

"Come on, baby girl." Gabe says, still shaking me. "I have a surprise for you after my morning skate."

Tonight was the first game of the Stanley Cup final against the Avalanche and Hurricanes. The Avs have home ice advantage, and the altitude works in our favor.

I roll over and I slowly open my eyes, looking at the blonde Swede tower over me. His sparkling eyes stare right through me, causing butterflies to escape the cage in my stomach.

"Do I have to shower?" I ask sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

"No," he laughs in reply. "Just get some clothes on. I have to leave in ten minutes."

Before I know it, Gabe jumps off the bed and runs out of the bedroom, giving me my cue to get dressed. I crawl out of bed and I look through my dresser. I put on white capris and a burgundy Avalanche t-shirt. I quickly brush my hair and I pull it back into a pony tail. Noticing I'm running short on time, I frantically brush my teeth and I grab my makeup bag. I put on a thin layer of gray eyeliner, then I put on mascara.

"Babe, you ready?" I hear Gabe ask from the living room.

I grab my lip gloss and purse, then I run out to the living room, sliding on my silver Toms.

"I guess you are," he laughs, grabbing my hand and leading me out of my apartment.

"So what is this "surprise" you're talking about?" I smirk at him as we get into the car.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" Gabe smirks, starting the engine and starts driving.

I sigh in reply, knowing that if I beg him to tell me, he won't do it. He knows I hate surprises, but yet he does them anyway. Not that I don't mind. His surprises are usually great surprises. I just don't like bad surprises.

Gabe pulls into the players parking lot of Pepsi Center. We hop out of the car and he grabs his hockey bag. He intertwines his fingers with mine and leads me inside. We make our separate ways once we're in the tunnel, him having to go to the locker room and I having to watch from the seats.

As I try to figure out my way out of the tunnel, I hear commotion coming from the visiting locker room, which could only mean one thing. The Carolina Hurricanes are in the building, and so is Jeff Skinner.

I shake my head as I start to walk faster, hoping the door to the Canes' locker room doesn't open at any second. I keep my head down, looking at my feet as I keep walking. Not a good idea. I feel myself bump into someone, or something. Before I could look to see what, or who, I ran into, a voice snaps me out of my daze.

"Hey, watch where you're going," a voice growls, soon causing me to look up and see him. Jeff Skinner.

"I, um, I'm sorry." I mumble, hoping he doesn't recognize me, and trying not to make eye contact with the brown eyed boy.

Before he could reply, I storm out of the tunnel and run up towards the stands.


Jeff's POV

"I, um, I'm sorry," the blonde girl mumbles after bumping into me.

I try to reply, but she quickly makes her way out of the tunnel, leaving me confused and sort of embarrassed. She seemed to be avoiding someone or something, and collided into me. I growled at her, she stuttered, then took off. Something about her really reminded me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it at the moment. She was probably either Avalanche personal, or a wife or girlfriend. I have to admit, she was stunning. Stop it, Jeffrey. You're engaged!

End of Regulation - final book in the Love Misconduct seriesWhere stories live. Discover now