I Wish It Was Pizza

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The Boys

Newt's face softened once he saw Aris's face. He could tell that terrible memories were flashing in the kid's head and that he wasn't lying. "C'mon, shank. We gotta sit and talk about this."

Aris's eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

"Because," Minho sat on a nearby bed. "Sounds like we're coming from similar places."


"The maze. WICKED. All that good stuff."

The rest of the gladers took the bunk beds apart and arranged them around Aris, Newt, Minho, and Thomas. They all listened intently to Aris's life in the maze, how he was a trigger (much like Teresa) and found that it wasn't as different as theirs, except for the fact that it was all girls and two boys.

Minho smirked when Aris told them that the genders were opposite. Aris blushed furiously and shook his head, saying that it wasn't like that. Minho gave him a cheesy wink which caused him to cover his face in embarrassment and the gladers' chuckles.

"So what happened to this other dude? Who was he?" Frypan asked.

Aris rubbed the back of his neck, "Aw man... uh.. his name was Barry. He got to the maze before me and then a few days after I came, he went all psycho and ran into the maze and he... uh... never came back."

Newt let go of his breath as if a weight was lifted off of him. This Barry guy sort of sounded like he was the Emily of the other maze but luckily she didn't turn crazy like him. If only I could find her. He thought to himself. I have to find her. Newt squeezed his eyes and then focused back to talking boy. When Aris got to the "escape from the maze" part of the story, he choked up. The gladers gave him a confused look but Newt understood when he saw the pain in his eyes. "Did you... lose someone?"

Aris stayed silent and looked down to the space between his feet. He answered with a sad and quiet tone. "Yea." He hesitated, "Her... her name was Rachel. She was my best friend. This other girl, Beth, we thought she was taken away and killed by the monsters but.... she was alive and she... she..." Tears started welling up in his eyes and he couldn't continue. Newt patted his shoulder and nodded sympathetically.

"We understand." He spoke, "Our friend... his name was Chuck... he was killed too. Pretty much the same way as... Rachel."

Aris clutched his head. "I ask myself, Why her? Why not me?, all the time
now. I just... now I'm stuck with you sticks and ughh." he sighed and fell back onto the bed. He yelped and sat back up when his head fell into Frypan's lap.

"Hey." Minho spoke, "If you were this trigger thing or whatever... you were the last one up. So... can you do that mind talk-y thing too?"

"I..." Aris's voice trailed into silence as his eyes turned towards Thomas. It looked like they were having a staring contest.

"Uh... Earth to Thomas and Aris?" Winston snapped his fingers between their faces.

"What?" Thomas blinked. "Right. Looks like Aris can talk telepathically too."

"Great. Now we have another super powered freak." Minho joked but his tone sounded too harsh. Aris stared at Minho with a look that said, "What the heck, man?"

"Well," Thomas put his arm around Aris. "I guess you gotta get used to living around us."


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