Star Light, Star Bright

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The boys whipped their heads to the source of the screams. Newt dashed to where the shrieks seemed to be coming from and the closer he got, the more bloodcurdling the screams became. It was like twenty blackboards being scratched, all at the same time. Chills ran up Newt's spine with each cry of pain. When he finally reached the body, he found her hand and squeezed it.

"EMILY!" Newt shouted.

The girl's body thrashed and squirmed violently and the sounds coming from her mouth made her throat raw. "PLEASE! ARGHH! MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE! GAHHHH!"

She kicked everywhere and her arms flailed in all directions. Newt moved his hands to try to find the source of the pain and his fingers brushed a smooth, cold surface. He pulled his hand back and froze. Another boy, Frankie, tried to help. He knelt beside Newt and Newt told him where the cool surface had been. Frankie moved his hand to it and grabbed it. He tried to pull it off but that just made things worse. Yells and screams indicated that the thing had latched onto Frankie. His body convulsed, as Emily's did but his screams did not last for long. Thomas bent down and patted his hand on the boy's body but when he reached where the head should have been, a smooth ball of metal was its replacement. Blood streaked the ball and Thomas wiped the red liquid on his pants.

"What the shuck happened, Thomas?!" Minho asked.

"I don't know! One minute, he's screaming and then his head's replaced with a metal ball the minute after!"

"Metal ball? What?!"

"It just rolled away after... it was covered in blood, I think."

The boys gathered around the two and asked Thomas multiple questions at once. Minho stopped them and silence wavered throughout the air.

"Where's Newt?" Minho questioned.

Before anyone could speak, Newt answered from farther down the tunnel. "Ya buggers! Over here! Emily's not moving!"

The gladers rushed over to the British boy, leaving Frankie's headless body behind. Clint checked for her pulse and stated that it was beating but it was very faint. Newt picked up her limp body and felt a sticky liquid drop onto his hands. Blood.

"We gotta go." Thomas spoke.

"We should go back!" someone else shouted.

"No way. Not gonna happen." Minho growled. "You shanks just hunch down and spread yourselves out. If some metal ball comes towards you, hit it like your life depends on it... which it does. Newt, do ya mind carrying Em the whole way? We can have people take shifts."

"It's alright. I'll just stay in the back." Newt responded. "Let's get out of here."

The boys zoomed down the tunnel and Newt limped farther behind the last glader but he was determined to make it. For Emily. The journey was tiresome but he kept on going. Unfortunately, they lost another person to the ball. They mourned but they quickly started their run after.

Newt almost fell over when he bumped into the boy in front of himself but he managed to balance himself.

"What's going on up there, Minho?" He called out. The smell of bad breath and sounds of panting filled the space. This was their second break throughout the whole run and everyone was completely exhausted.

"Almost smashed my shins. Anyways, I think there's a stairway here." Minho replied back.

"Are we gonna go up?" someone asked.

"No." Minho's sarcastic tone spoke. "We're just gonna stay here and wait until the shucking ball comes and slices each and every one of us."

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