We Are Broken

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Emily turned around and she was greeted by Brenda.

"Uh... Brenda, was it?"

The girl nodded. "Em, I have to tell you something."

"Wait." Emily looked down at herself. The brunette was wearing the clothes she was wearing in the Scorch but they were free of stains and marks. They were completely clean.

Next, Emily looked around her. The two girls were in the middle of white space that seemed to go on infinitely in every direction. Emily looked back to Brenda. "How are you talking to me? What is this?"

"I'm talking to you through your dream."

"Whoa man. That's kinda cool."

"Yes, yes. But I only have a short amount of time before they find me here..."


"They... it's irrelevant. For now." Brenda walked over to Emily and hugged her, tight. Unsure of what to do, Emily awkwardly put her arms around the girl and patted her back.

"Sorry." Brenda let go and brushed some imaginary dirt off of her snow white lab coat. "I just miss you."

A sad feeling wrenched in Emily's stomach, though she did not know why. "I.. I think I miss you too? I'm sorry... I can't.."

"Remember me." Brenda finished with a sad smile.

"Yeah... so what did you want to tell me?"

"Right, okay. I want to let you know that..." Suddenly, the ground rumbled and Brenda was terrified. "Shit! They're coming! Okay, okay. Newt is immune. Okay? And he's VERY important to WICKED so you HAVE to make sure they don't get to him. Okay? Please!"

Emily flinched at Newt's name. "What? Why --"

"I can't explain now. Just get him away from To--"

The ground's rumbles started to become more powerful, causing Emily to fall. Brenda kept muttering "Shit!" as she closed her eyes, concentrating on something.


"I'll see you soon!"


Emily bolted upright but hit her head on a wooden log that was holding up the tarp she was under. She rubbed her forehead and looked around her. Her eyelids were puffy and her eyes felt dry, causing them to water, which hazed her vision for a bit but Emily knew where she was.

She was back at the camp.

A figure started walking towards her with something in its hand. Once she saw the unusually perfectly quiffed hair, she knew who it was.

"Hey Min." She greeted as he handed her a makeshift plate with scrambled eggs and apple slices.

"Hey Em." Minho replied with a mouth full of food. "Shuck. Powdered eggs are gross. Makes me miss the chickens back at the Glade. Although, seems like some of 'em came along." His eyes shifted to a group of boys who were surrounding a dead decomposing bird. Apparently some of them were dared to pick it up but they refused, making up excuses like, "I'm allergic to feathers."

Emily snorted and giggled as she munched on one of the apple slices. Minho started telling weird stories about the gladers and the Glade, which made Emily's morning slightly better.

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