Victoria Gabrielle

157 8 4

The Boys

"Come on, hermanos." Jorge gestured for them to follow.

Minho just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "How do you shanks expect me to eat and be all fine and dandy before I get my shucking fingers cut off?!" He complained.

Newt clamped his hand over his friend's mouth before he could say more. "Shut up and be bloody grateful we're getting some food."

"Yeah," Thomas sneered. "No need to worry about your precious little fingers now."

Minho pulled Newt's hand off of his mouth. "Shut your hole."

Thomas just smirked and continued trailing behind Jorge. Jorge looked back at the boys and just rolled his eyes and muttered something. Minho was about to go up to him and threaten him but someone stopped him.

"I could kill you, you know." Brenda pushed the blade of her knife into his neck. "Charge Jorge one more time, I dare you."

Newt and Frypan groaned in embarrassment at Minho's reply. "Hm, sharp knife. Makes me like ya even more."

For a second, Brenda smirked but immediately scoffed and pulled the knife away from him. A few minutes later, they reached a building. They entered and walked past a dimly lit room with boxes and cans of food. Jorge and Brenda sat them down in the room next to it.

"Wait 'til I getcha your food." Brenda said.

A few moment later, she came out with cans of beans and canned Spanish sausages. The gladers hungrily grabbed for them and started to devour the food, not trying to pace themselves even though they know what would happen when a starving person eats a huge amount of food in one sitting. They didn't care, food was food and it was heaven.

Newt spotted Brenda move from her spot beside Thomas with disgust on her face. She settled for a seat beside Minho and they started a conversation easily. Newt smiled and continued working on his beans. Frypan plopped down beside Newt with a spoon hanging from his mouth.

"Hey." the cook mumbled as he sucked the last bits of sauce off the spoon.

"Hey Fry." Newt replied as he put another spoonful of beans in his mouth.

"How are you holding up? Er... especially with... Em." Frypan scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Newt froze and looked down at his can and it suddenly didn't look so appetizing anymore. He slid it over to a glader and then crossed his arms. Frypan bit his lip at his words, instantly regretting it.

"I'm sorry, man. I... I thought maybe you'd want to talk about it." Fry apologized.

"It's okay."

"Are you su--"


Frypan guiltily got up and trudged to a different spot in the room. Newt watched him until he sat down. The blonde boy took a deep breath and sighed, trying to control his tears.

"No." He thought as his next few exhales were starting to sound shaky. "Bloody man up!" He scolded himself.

Newt leaned his head against the wall and stared at a fly on the lightbulb that hung in the centre of the room. His eyes followed it until it landed on the wall opposite of him. That's when he saw Brenda with a look of panic in her eyes. She slowly stood up and moved her head so her ear was closer to the door. The girl bared her teeth with anxiety and she turned her head to see Jorge coming towards the door with a similar panicked expression. Everyone else looked at them as if they were crazy.

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