I Love You

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I clutch my head and fall onto my knees. What the bloody hell just happened?

I couldn't control myself.

I couldn't control my bugging actions.

I saw everything happening but I couldn't stop it.

I sit down cross-legged on the sand and think about what just bugging happened. I was walking over to Emily to see if she was okay and I saw Tommy with her. Before I knew it, they were kissing. I limped as fast as I could and when I got there, Emily had him knocked to the ground.

Yes, I felt bloody jealous but then something took over me. Something controlled me.

I didn't mean to punch Tommy.

I didn't mean to hurt Emily.

The only emotion that seemed to be getting out was all my anger and jealousy. The only time I could kind of fight it was when Emily was in pain. But even then, I still wasn't really myself.

I look back the hill and see Emily's silhouette, on her knees with her hands on her face. What have I done? The moment I really felt like myself again was when I stopped here.

I glance down and see dark streaks along the sand. Tommy's blood. Guiltily, I finish my walk back to camp and see Clint tending to Tommy and Minho waiting for me with his arms crossed. He walks over to me and pulls me to a place under a tarp.

"Tell me what the shuck happened with you and Thomas because he told us you just beat him up outta nowhere. Not that I don't think he deserves it... but still, the Newt I know wouldn't do a shucking thing like that."

I raise my eyebrow. "What do you mean? You thought he deserved it? Why?"

"Uh, never mind that. If we get the time, I'll tell you later. Now spill."

I suck in some air and start talking to Minho about what happened. When I was finished, his hand was on his chin as he processed what I said.

"What did you say you felt like when you were punching the crap outta Thomas?" He finally asked.

"Like I was... not in control. I saw what was happening but I couldn't stop it from happening."

Minho studied me some more and spoke again. "Remember when we were surrounded by those WICKED shuckfaces and Gally had the knife and he..." I nod and chills run down my spine as I remember Chuck's death. He continues. "Well... it kinda looked like the shank was being controlled by them. Right? Maybe that's what happened to you."

I process his words and it kind of makes sense. Then my mind goes back to Emily.

I gulp. "Min, did you know that Em..."

"Wasn't immune?" he finishes, which takes me by surprise.

"H-how --"

"She had a freak out and then she told me. Sorry shank, she didn't want you to know."

"But why?"

"She said somethin' about how you'd be all worried and treat her differently or whatever."

I stare at the fire ahead of me. I watch the flames dance and the embers fly out into the air. "What do you think she means by differently?" I finally ask.

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