Oliver Agnes

170 8 5

Harsh winds slapped Emily's face and whipped her hair in every direction. She wrapped the thin bed sheet around her even tighter to try to keep in her warmth. It didn't do much, as she was still shivering.

Emily checked her watch and it read 2:34am. She sighed then rubbed her eyes. Minho had called it a night two hours before. Bleh. Gotta get some sleep. She muttered in her head.

The girl swivelled her head to see how everyone else was doing and noticed that a lot of them had lost their blankets, thanks to the wind. Her eyes stopped at Thomas's bed sheet-less body and she snickered. That slinthead deserves it. Her eyes wandered to the last person, who was also bed sheet-less, and realized it was Newt. She bit her lip. Heh. It looks like he's doing the worm. She observed as his body was shivering. Emily then chastised her head for being weird after midnight.

After a long moment of contemplating, she shimmied out of her burrito blanket and tip-toed over a few gladers before she got to Newt. Emily turned her watch light on and the dim white colour was bright enough for her to see his pale blue lips. She frowned with sympathy as she slowly placed and tucked the bed sheet onto Newt. The blonde boy mumbled in his sleep which caused Emily to jerk back her hands and suck in a breath but he still stayed asleep. The girl exhaled in relief and slowly backed up.

Unfortunately, she tripped over a glader's head. She quickly sat up and looked at the poor dude she just fell over. Luckily for her, it was only Thomas. Emily shrugged, not caring about whatever pain she could have caused him, and crept back to the dent in the sand where she previously laid.

Emily closed her eyes and tried to relax with the noisy winds in the background. After an hour, she finally fell into a dreamless sleep.


Beep! Beep! Beep!


The faint watch alarm and loud winds woke Emily up but she decided to continue to lie down and pretend to sleep. Shucking Minho... She complained in her head as she heard his gruff morning voice asking (more like commanding, she thought) gladers to get up.

After what sounded like all the gladers up and ready to go, Emily remained in her sleeping position. Minho previously yelled in her ear and threatened to open her mouth so the wind would blow sand in it but Emily was persistent and stayed motionless and "asleep". It had been ten minutes before she heard someone's boots crunching on the sand. The person placed their hands on her shoulders, gripped them, and began to shake her.

"Waake uuup Eemm!" Minho's voice vibrated.

Emily gave up her act and cracked open her eyes, the brightness temporarily blinding her. She reached up to rub the crust out of her eyes and then she stretched. She made a smack sound with her mouth and looked to Minho's fuming face. She smiled sweetly and spit out her hair that flew into her mouth as if nothing happened.

Minho pursed his lips and huffed in annoyance. He got up and started walking towards the nearing city.

"Let's go, shanks." He yelled as he pushed through the gladers.

Everyone followed and Emily scrambled trying to collect her stuff, some if it blowing in other directions. Once she finally got herself organized, she sprinted to the gladers. They got bigger as she neared them and then she finally caught up to Minho.

"Hey!" She waved her hand in front of his face.

"What?" He asked, annoyed.

"I'm sorry." She tied her hair into a ponytail with her homemade vine hair elastic. "I didn't really have the best sleep last night." The girl admitted.

Minho's features softened. "It's aight. It's just that we only have two weeks to get this shucking cure. I..." He turned his head back to see Newt waking alone then he returned it to face Emily. "I don't wanna lose another one of my best friends. Or two." He muttered the last part under his breath.

"Huh?" She questioned.

"Nothing." He quickly replied. "Anyways, I just wanna get that cure to ya."

Emily smiled. "Thanks Min Min." She side hugged him and he hugged her back. Minho's arm remained over her shoulder while her's was around his waist as they walked closer to the building.

"So..." Emily started hesitantly. "What happened with... Newt?"

Minho's body went stiff. He couldn't tell her what Newt had been doing. He had to try to keep them on okay terms. He cleared his throat. "Nothing really." He winced at his vague response but hoped she didn't see.

She did. "Minho. Tell me."


Suddenly, a glader called something out. Minho's face lit up with relief and he walked over to the glader while Emily tailed behind him with a cold glare.

"What'd you say?" Minho asked.

"Look." The boy pointed to a figure sitting on the ground. "Some old shank."

The gladers jogged over and crowded around the man. The man remained frozen and his eyes were full of emptiness as they looked up to the sky. Emily jumped from the back but she still couldn't see what the boys were surrounding.

"Yo, old man!" Minho shouted. "What's up with you?" Emily rolled her eyes at his lovely manners.

Thomas tried to talk to him but nothing happened. Maybe it's because no one wants to talk to a shucking slinthead like you!! She insulted in her head, forgetting that she could speak telepathically. Of course, she could control it but...

"What?" Thomas questioned with irritation.

"Nothing." Emily replied plainly.

She heard Thomas's groan of annoyance and then there was silence in her head. Wind blew more strands into her face as she tried to wave it off. The boys started to ask the man more questions but there was no reply. Emily tried jumping again but she still couldn't see over the gladers. Eventually, she pushed her way through the crowd until she was in front of the man. His mouth was open and his eyes were glassy and not blinking. She observed his greasy light brown hair and wild beard. Emily squinted. Did he look familiar?

Suddenly, something clicked in her head and she realized who it was.

"Dad?" She whispered, fear and curiosity behind her voice.

As soon as she spoke that word, something triggered in the man. He broke his dreamy gaze at the sky and his eyes met with Emily's. She tried to stay calm as his shockingly bright blue eyes stared intently into her green ones. The man's bad breath stung the inside of her nose. The girl's heartbeat quickened at the word that left his lips.



Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter!


1k reads?? You're kidding me, right?

Thank you so so much! ❤️


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