Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

When we got to the party everyone's eyes were on Angelica and her friends. They got some dirty looks and guys checking them out. My eyes widened as Demi stalked over to Angelica and connected her hand with Angelica's cheek.

"what the hell do you think your doing dressed like that? You're never gonna fit in with us you little art freak. You should get back home and cut yourself because nobody wants you here" I heard Demi screaming at Angelica.

I felt angry, I felt like screaming at Demi for talking to Angelica like that. I may not be close to her, but no one deserves to be treated like that. It disgusts me that there is even people out there who are so brutal and cold hearted.

"Why are you being so nasty to her?" A guy stood in front of Angelica and glared at Demi.

He seems familiar I just don't know where I have seen him before.

"Stay out of this Cole" Demi snapped.

That's right. He's Demi's cousin.

Angelica stood behind him and looked at him as if he was a night in shining armor. I knew him too well to know that he is anything but that. He was a bigger jerk than Demi.

Angelica's POV

I felt a tap on my shoulder making me turn around. Niall smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

"Do you want to get a drink?"

I opened my mouth to answer him but closed it as someone interrupted me. I looked at Cole who seemed to think it was okay for him to answer for me.

"Niall you can't offer a drink to a girl when your girlfriend is over there"

I scowled at the mention of Demi. She really isn't my favorite person in the world and I wouldn't mind slapping her.

"Actually Demi and I are no longer together, and I came here with Angelica"

Niall stood a lot closer to me and sent daggers to Cole.

They obviously know each other and I am certain that Niall isn't glaring at Cole because of jealousy. They have a history and I want to know exactly what is going on.

"Well Cole it was nice meeting you"

I grabbed Niall's arm and led him to a different location. I knew that  If we stayed for one more second a fight would have started.

I stopped at the middle of the dance floor and looked up at Niall. His cheeks held a hint of pink as he looked down at the ground. He fiddled with the hem of his shirt letting me know that he was nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't dance"

I didn't think is was possible for his cheeks to turn into a brighter pink but I was proven wrong. I cupped his cheeks making his blue eyes look into mine. I was able to see the green specks in his eyes due to our proximity.

"Don't worry, I can't dance either"

We smiled at each other before making a fool out of ourselves in the dance floor. We earned ourselves a couple of weird stares but we didn't care. All we cared about was each other. When we said that We couldn't dance we weren't kidding. I bet we looked like a couple of crazy teenagers.

"I'm going to the bathroom"

I nodded my head and headed to the kitchen for a cup of water. All this crazy dancing got my throat dry. I looked around the kitchen and spotted a bottled water in a cooler full of ice. I grabbed a bottle and chugged down the liquid.

"Thirsty aren't we?"

I turned around to see Cole leaning against the door frame. The smirk on his face told me that he was implying something with his comment.

I rolled my eyes and headed toward the kitchen's exit but was stopped as Cole wrapped his fingers around my arm.

"Where are you going love?"

His breath fanned over my lips. He reeked of alcohol and all I wanted to do was shove a mint in his mouth. I scrunched my nose in disgust before shoving him to the side. He stumbled a little but managed to keep himself steady.

"Don't call me love"

I turned around and walked out of the kitchen to look for Niall. I spotted my friends on the couch talking to a couple of guys. By the blush in Odallys' face, the guy just said something sweet to her. I smiled to myself before making my way upstairs. The upstairs area was surprisingly empty. Maybe the rooms were off limits to horny couples. I stopped dead on my tracks as I heard voices coming from one of the rooms. Me being the nosy person that I am, I pressed my ear to the door.

"Seriously Niall? With that art freak?!"

That was Demi's voice. Considering what she said, they are talking about me.

"Her name is Angelica"

"I don't care what her name is! Why did you bring her to this party? She doesn't belong here!"

"Listen, she has the right to be here just as much as you do! She is my date to this party"

"Wow, you really seem to have downgraded. If you think that dating that little art freak will make me jealous then you are wrong"

"I'm not trying to make you jealous, I actually like Angelica"



I'mam really sorry if you're reading this now but I'm changing some stuff on the story that's I didn't like so some chapters will not make sense at all!
- Angie:)

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