Chapter 6

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Angelia's POV*

Niall, liking me? I don't think so. My guess is that he just said that to her to get her to think he isn't trying to make her jealous.

"Niall don't make me laugh! We both know damn well that the only one you like here is me. You always will,  so don't try to convince me or yourself otherwise!"

"Have you ever stopped to think that not everything is about you? She makes me feel more than you ever have! She's everything you're not!"

"Ugly, an outcast, a freak"

"No! She's beautiful inside and out. she's smart and sweet, most of all she is a much better person that you will ever be!"

Does Niall actually think all of that about me? I mean I just met the guy and he talks like he has known me for a long time! Don't get me wrong, his words are sweet, it just feels like he is saying all of that to make her feel bad.

I sighed and shook my head. Maybe she is right and he is just using me to make her jealous. The question is, Why me? It's not like there is something special about me to make her angry. Maybe that's just it. The fact that there is nothing special about me makes her feel like boring is better than her.

I should just get out of here before they catch me eavesdropping.


I got home and got a text from an unknown number.

From unknown number: Hey beautiful! ;)

My eyebrows furrowed. Who could this be?

Me: Who is this?

unknown: Sweetheart we met today ;)

How did Cole get my phone number?

Me: Cole how did you get my number?

Unknown: Baby I got my ways ;)

Me: Well lose it! and stop it with the winky faces, it's creepy!

I erased his messages and blocked his number. I have a feeling that Cole will keep on bothering me. The fact that he got my phone number without me giving it to him, just creeps me out.

I plopped down on my bed and let out a sigh. I looked at the boring white ceiling. A tap on the window made me snap my head in it's direction. Niall stood in my balcony motioning for me to open it.

I stood up and made my way toward my window. I snapped it open allowing Niall to get in. He let out a breath and stretched.

"climbing trees is harder than it looks!"

He rested his hand on the small of his back. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to him. I cracked his back making him groan.

"That felt good thanks!"

"What are you doing here?"

"You left the party early"

I let out a sigh and sat on my bed. Yes I left the party early but I didn't expect him to show up at my house.

"Yea I wasn't feeling it"

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