Chapter 11

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Angelica's POV*

"what are you doing here?" I asked scared. "your dad let me in, and I wanted to talk to you about Niall"

"What about Niall?" I asked. "I'm telling you this because I care and I think it is unfair what he is doing to you" Liam said.

"What did he do?" I asked getting impatient. "just don't tell him I told you" he continued. "Dammit Liam just tell me!!!"

"Ok ok! Niall did a Bet with Zayn to make you prom queen and make you fall in love with him. Niall agreed and he has been playing with you all this time" he said.

"Get out" I pointed towards the door. Who does he think he is coming to my house and lying to my face? Niall wouldn't do such a thing!

I felt my phone vibrating. I took it out and read the message Niall has sent me.

Niall: Hey beautiful! can you come over?

Me: yea I'll be right over!! something stupid just happened!!

I grabbed my car keys once again and headed over to Niall's house. I knocked on the door waiting patiently for him to open it.

The door swung open reviling my sexy leprechaun. He gently embraced me and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Come in" he said guiding me towards the living room. I sat on the couch and watched him sit next to me. "so what was the stupid thing that happened?" he asked.

"Right! Well Liam showed up to my house and he said he needed to talk to me about you" his eyes slowly widened with panic. Why is he panicking?

"He said that you and Zayn made a bet about making me prom queen and making me fall in love with you" I finished the sentence slowly. He began sweating and rubbing his neck.

"It was just a lie right?" I said getting nervous. Please say it is Niall!!!

His silence answered my question. My stomach tightened and a lump formed in my throat. This can't be true! My eyes began to water.

I stood up and started heading towards the door. I was stopped by his strong hand. "Please just hear me out!" he pleaded. I stood there waiting for him to talk but he stayed silent. I let a tear slip.

"How could you do this to me?" I asked quietly. "Look it wasn't my intention to hurt you. The guys were teasing me for getting dumped and I wanted to proof to them that I could get any girl to fall for me. So Liam and I started a bet. Zayn was not involved in any of this. Liam picked you so I went for it. I wasn't expecting to fall for you but I did! I Love you so much you have no idea. Please forgive me!!" he grabbed my hand but I quickly snatched it away.

"Forgive you Niall? You played with me Niall!! I'm just a fucking bet to you! I knew something was up when you asked me on a date. How can I be so stupid and let you in like that?" I was laughing at this point.

I began walking away but I was pushed to the wall. Niall planted a kiss on my lips. I'm not giving in! I pushed him of and slapped him across the face. "you disgust me!" I said wiping my mouth.

I ran out of his house and into my car. By the time I turned it on I was already full on crying. It hurts so much!! It feels hot in my car!! I'm so stupid! I'm so stupid!!

I drove to my house and as soon as I got there I ran up to my room.

"What are you still doing here?!" I snapped at Liam. "I just came back to get my phone but are you ok?" he asked.

"You have your phone already just leave I don't need you to pity me!" I spit out my words. "Just sit down and calm down" he demanded. I did as told.
"What happened?" he asked. "well I went over to Niall's and told him what you told me and he said it was true" I said trying to not cry again.

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