Chapter 10

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Niall's POV*

"it's Cole" she said crying. "what happened to him I asked getting a little worried. I know I was worried, I may hate him but I know he means a lot to Angelica, and if he's not ok then she's gonna get worried and I don't want to see her like that.

"Jasmine called and she said that he overdosed on sleeping pills and he's in the hospital" she said. "I need to get there. Can you drive me?" she asked. "yea let's got" I said walking to the door. The whole car ride she was playing with her fingers and crying. As soon as we got there she ran in the hospital.

Angelica's POV*

"hi uhh what room is Cole Pendry in?" I asked the receptionist. "oh sorry honey but he's not allowed to have any visitors" she said giving me a sympathetic look. "thank you" I said walking into the waiting room. I saw the twins, the guys and Cole's parents.

"hi" I said waving my hand. They all looked at me with disgust. "HOW DEAR YOU SHOW UP HERE AND SPECIALLY WITH THIS BLONDE DUMB FUCK, YOU CAUSED ALL OF THIS!!!!" screamed Cole's mom full of anger and standing up. "look at what you've done Angelica, are you satisfied with your self?" asked Dalton crying. "you know Angelica I've known you for a long time and I didn't think you would do this to someone!" said Odallys walking past me. "let's go everyone, I can't even stand looking at her right now" added Will. They all got up and started walking a different direction. I started crying even harder. Jasmine walked towards me giving me a sympathetic look. She gave me a tight hug.

"he's gonna be fine" she whispered in my ear. She handed me a note before joining the others. I opened the note and it said.

Hey everyone! I just wanted to say good bye and apologize if I hurt anyone with what I'm gonna do. I'm doing this for Angelica. I love her, I know I met her not to long ago but she's just different, she's not like any other girl. I know you guys may think I'm stupid for doing this, but I want her to be happy. She loves Niall and I want to her to be with him. I can't live without her and it would kill me seeing her with him, so I figured why not kill my self now? Anyways I love you guys and I love you mom and dad. Keep a space for me in your heart.


I broke down. I let myself fall to the floor as I cried. Niall sat on the floor and hugged me. He traced circles on my back and rocked me back and forth.

"his gonna be fine" Niall said trying to comfort me. "no, this is all my fault. I caused him to do this" I said crying even more. "hey let's get you home, you need to rest" Niall said picking me up from the floor. When I got home I went straight to my room. I let my self fall on my bed. Everyone is mad at me. I don't blame them. I really hate my self right now for doing this to Cole. I felt my phone vibrating. I looked at the screen and saw a text from Jasmine

Jasmine: "hey the nurse told us that Cole is in a comma I just thought I'd let you know"

Me: "thank you for letting me know, and thank you for not getting mad at me."

Jasmine: "I gotta be honest I am pretty disappointed, but it wasn't your fault, you can't control what he felt an he maid the decision of doing what he did"

Me: "it is my fault, if didn't lie to him and if I wasn't about to do you know what with Niall then he wouldn't have done any of this."

Jasmine: "you should really stop blaming yourself jut give everybody time to realize it wasn't your fault."

Me: "thank you for everything!!!"

I put my phone down and got ready for bed. I felt my eyelids geting heavy by the second until they shut and I fell into deep sleep.


I got up and got dressed. I walked down to my kitchen and shoved three pop tards, two apples, three orange juices, and 5 sandwiches in my bag. I wrote my dad a note to let him know that I'm going to visit Cole at the hospital. I went to my car and drove and ate my food at the same time.

"hi what room is Cole pendry in?" I asked the receptionist once again. "he is in room 204 on the second floor" she replied with a smile in her face. I nodded and walked to the elevator. I pressed the second floor button. I walked around the second floor looking for room 204. I walked in and saw Cole plugged into many machines. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I walked closer to him, he looked peaceful.

"what are you doing here?" I heard someone behind me. I turned around and Odallys, Will, and Jasmine were sitting on the little couch. "I just wanted to see how Cole is doing" I replied. Will rolled his eyes and walked out the room. "you could have prevented this" Odallys spoke. "I know this is all my fault, and I shouldn't have lied to him and I shouldn't have gotten his hopes up. I'm such a dumb ass!!" I said looking at my feet. I felt my cold tears running down my cheeks and falling to the floor. Odallys hugged my and whipped the tears out of my face.

"hey he's gonna be fine, now this doesn't mean I'm not mad at you anymore, but I'm still here for you, and I'm sorry for blaming it all on you" she said pulling out of the hug. "thank you and you have all the right to be mad at me this is all my fault, I haven't been my self lately and I don't like what I'm turning into" I said.

"uumm Odallys can I talk to you?" asked will. He motioned her to his direction. Odallys nodded and and walked towards him.

Odallys's POV*

"uumm Odallys can I talk to you?" asked will. He motioned me toward him. I nodded my head and walked towards him.

"what's up?" I asked and started the conversation. "have you forgotten that because of her Cole almost killed himself!" will said getting a little mad. "no but I'm still her friend and I'm gonna be there for her even though I'm mad at her" I replied getting angry. "you can't hang out with her, can't you understand how much pain she caused Cole" he said. "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHO TO HANG OUT WITH, YOUR NOT MY FATHER, AND IT WAS COLE'S DECISION TO TAKE THOSE PILLS, I KNOW SHE CAUSE HIM A LOT OF PAIN BUT IT WAS HIS DECISION!!!" I screamed at him now completely angry and about to explode. "WELL UNTIL YOU STOP TALKING TO HER I'M NOT TALKIG TO YOU!!" he screamed back. "I honestly don't care if you talk to me or not because your the one that's being an asshole right now" I replied more calm. He walked back into Coles room and started screaming at Angelica.

Angelica's POV*

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. CAN'T YOU FUCKIN UNDERSTAND THE YOUR NOT FUCKING WANTED HERE, YOU CAUSED ALL OF THIS, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUSELF!!!" Will screamed at me. I ran out the room with tears running down my cheeks. I drove back to my house and went straight up to my room. I walked in and Liam was sitting on my bed.

"what are you doing here?" I asked scared. "your dad let me in, and I wanted to talk to you about Niall"



Hey this Chapter really sucks but I hope some of you guys enjoy it.


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