Chapter 16

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Angelica's POV

Prom. I've heard so many things about prom. I've watched movies about prom. Almost every girl has their mother by their side helping them get ready for the biggest night off their life.

But I'm missing my mom. She never got the chance to teach me how to put make up on or how to do my hair. I don't have her to help me choose a dress and heels.

I have my dad. Now don't get me wrong because I love my dad. Its just that my dad would rather have me wear a potato sack instead of buying me a beautiful dress. He doesn't know how to do hair and makeup.

I wish I had my mom just for a little bit longer just so that she can teach me how to be a proper girl for a day. Just so that she can be by my side to comfort me whenever I get my heart broken.

"You do realize that we're gonna be late to school of you don't hurry the fuck up!" Danny said snapping me out of my thoughts. I threw him a glare before getting my stuff and rushing out the door.

Tomorrow is the prom and I am a bit nervous as to how it will all turn out. I just hope that nothing bad happens.

I pull up in my parking space and turned off the car engine. People stared at me as I walked through the front gates.

What did I do now?

I sighed as I walked in the building. I am pretty sure that whatever the reason for them to stare at me is bad. If it was good they wouldn't care. I mean most teenager just love high school because of the drama that goes on in other student's lives

"Angelica Davila!!!" Demi screamed from across the hall.

Ok here we go. Prepare yourself to be screamed at Angelica. I am sure you will find out the reason for her screaming at you soon. Just keep your mouth shut and let her scream out her frustrations.

Why am I speaking to myself?

"What do you think you are doing running against me for prom queen the day before prom?!"

Me. Prom queen. What the fuck is she talking about?

"What did you just say?"

"Don't act stupid!"

"You must have the wrong Angelica because the last time I checked I wasn't running for anything"

"Is this not your face on this hideous poster?"

She shoved a poster on my face. I grabbed it and examined it carefully. My picture was indeed on this poster. Funny, I don't recall making these but the familiar handwriting on this hints on who made these.

I shoved the poster back on her face and made my way to the set of twins who are behind this. I ignored Demi's screams and searched for those girls.

I spotted them by my locker laughing. Once Odallys took in the look on my face her smile faded. Jasmine turned to look at me and gave me an oops smile.

"What were you thinking?" I snapped.

"We do not know what you are talking about" they both blurted out.

I gave them a 'seriously' look earning a smile from Odallys.

"Oh those. Well you see, we think that you can totally win prom queen" Odallys said.

"Yea! Its totally not because we made a bet with Demi's minions on who would win prom queen" Jasmine nervously blurted out. Odallys smacked Jasmine upside the head earning herself a glare from Jasmine.

You have got to be kidding me!

"for a bet?!"

I sighed in frustration and made my way to class.

what is it with people using me for bets! First Niall with his stupid bet with Liam! Well at least it isn't a bad bet.

Maybe I should go along with it. I would be kind of nice to see Demi's reaction if I were ever to win. By the looks of it, I might actually have a chance! I smiled at my friends suddenly feeling a boost of confidence. My smiled widened as my eyes met with a set of blue ones. 

"Hey there Horan!"

He smiled as he walked closer to me. 

"Hey there Davila"

He cupped my cheeks and placed a small peck on my lips. I smiled loving the feeling in my  stomach.

"I have to tell you something"

I gave Niall a questioning look not liking the sound of his words. I gave the twins a worried look.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad"

I nodded my head and waited for him to talk.

"I'm not going to be here for lunch. I have this thing  I need to take care of and I will most likely not see you for the rest of the day. I'll pick you up tomorrow"

I raised my right eyebrow. What is this thing he is talking about? This better not be some kind of twisted trick because this time I won't care if I get arrested.

"What thing?"

He let out a nervous chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I can't tell you"

"And why is that?"

"Listen I gotta go!"

He quickly pecked my lips and ran down the hall. I smiled as I watched him disappear in the crowd of students. This guy is weird! I love it!

"What do you think he was talking about?" Ody asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I just hope he doesn't screw me over" I mumbled.

Jasmine looped her arm with mine and pulled me toward the class room. I inwardly groaned as I realized this was just the beginning of the day. Why must I sit through boring classes for half of the day when I'm going to forget everything as soon as I walk out of the school building? I really don't like school!  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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