Chapter 9

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"How were the Chunin Exams" I asked.

"They were good, Naruto and Sauske get to go to the finals" she said.

Good job Sauske, and I really don't care about Naruto. What am I saying? Well I guess he's still mad at me though.

"How did Gaara do?" I asked.

"He made it too" she said.

"But good news, since your awake, you get to come home today" Sakura said.

"Okay" I say sadly. I don't know how I'm gonna face Gaara or Naruto, I mean I cars about them both, but they both hurt me.

"What's wrong Irika" she asked.

"Oh, nothing,I'm just thinking" I tell her.

"Oh yeah, that's right, try not to think so much anymore, you might have another panic attack." She said.

She's so helpful. But thankfully the doctor walked in.

"Okay, miss Uchiha, you can go home now but try and take it easy from now on, okay" the doctor said.

"Okay" I said.

Then I went to go find Gaara.

"Gaara" I yelled.

"What do you want" he snarled.

"I want to apologize for what I said the other day, but what I said about loving you, it was all true" I told him.

"Really" he said.


"I'm sorry Irika, but I don't love you, I'm sorry but your were always just a friend to me" he said.

Just a friend.

"Oh, okay, I understand." I said. I walked away fast so he wouldn't see my tears.

I thought he would understand. But now I know that no one does.

I guess it's just me and myself. Only myself.

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