Chapter 21

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The next day

"Do you guys really have to go" I say. Hugging Naruto and Sakura.

They nod.

I give them a toothy smile and they all froze.

"What's wrong" I ask.

"Your...your....your the girl from yesterday, when we killed Sasori, your dad" Sakura said with fear.

I stand there in fear.

"Wait, your Sasori's daughter" Kankuro questions.

I nod in shame.

"Your not welcome here" he said.

"But where will I go, you guys killed my dad, and I don't know where to find my dad" I said. Trying not to have an out burst.

"I don't care where you go, just leave" he says.

"Why do you treat me like a monster! Huh?! I didn't ask for this! One minute your nice to me, the next your my enemy! Are you just pretending to care! That's why I went to find my dad! To find someone who cares! To find happiness! But no! You took all of that away from me! I didn't ask to be born! So why do you act like its my fault!" I yell.

I run out of the room and lock myself in the room I'm currently staying in.


I break the window and take a piece of glass and cut my arm.

1 for how worthless I am

3 for how ugly I am

5 for how I'm not wanted

20 because no one loves me.

I hear a knock on the door. I quickly bend the glass back together and put it back in place.

"Irika unlock the door" I hear Gaara say.

"You'll see something you don't wanna see" I said.

"Are you naked" he asks.

"No" I said.

"The let me in" he yelled.

I unlock the door to see him and Kankuro at the door. Their eyes soften when they see my arms.

"Irika I'm so so--"

"Save it Kankuro!" I yelled.

"I'm tired of your lies, stop trying to make me feel better" I yell.

"Irika stop" Gaara yells.

I feel sand wrap around me.

I just give up.

"Why" he asks.

"Because, I'm not loved, I'm fat, I'm ugly, and I'm worthless" I said.

"Irika, did you forget what I told you before I left, I love you with all my heart, and I think your beautiful" Gaara said.

I shake my head.

"I can't believe your lies, now can I please go find me and Pein a place to say" I told him.

He lets me go.

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