Chapter 16

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2 weeks later

I've been training with the Akakauki for 2 weeks now, and I can already feel myself get stronger. And I started to develop a crush on Pein. But I can't have one, it'll interfere with my missions.

"Irika" Pein called.
He walked over to me.

"Yes Pein-sama" I said.

"It's time for your weekly fight, to see how strong you've gotten" he said.

"Who am I fighting today, Pein-Sama" I asked.

"You will be fighting me" he said.

I'll be fighting Pein. Okay. I can do this.

"Let's go" he demanded.

We get out to the field, and I get in my fighting stance.

"Try to get my scent and a cut on my eye, if you succeed, you get a mission, if you fail, you get beat, got it" he yelled.

I quickly made hand signs and did my special jutsu, specifically made for fighting Pein, he doesn't know what it is though.

"Ninja Art: Elemental Disaster jutsu" I yelled.

And I used my mind to command it.
I made it skim his hair, just enough to get a piece, and it slash him in the eye, making it bleed a little. I feel bad, but the beatings here, are like monsters compared to the ones Sauske gave me.

"Good job, you've got a mission, and your mission is, to capture the One Tailed Jinjuriki and bring him here, got it" he said.

"Yes Pein-Sama" I said.

"Good, now go" he said.

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