Chapter 18

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I reappear in the Akatsuki hide out.

"Here" I said.

"Did you kill him" Pein yelled.

"No, I knocked him out" I said.

Pein sighed in relief.

"Now, everyone, gather" he said. All the Akatsuki members appeared.

"Let's start the seal. Now focus, it'll take us three days" Pein said.

"Shouldn't we consider the fact that it'll take longer since Orochimaru isn't here" Kisame said.

"Yes, so Itachi ,Kisame, and Irika, we will use the transformation jutsu to turn our subordinates into you guys, got it" Pein said.

"Hai!" All three of us said in unison.

I feel my self being transported to a rock, along with Kisame and Itachi. We can still do the jutsu though. But it takes up our chakra.

Naruto's POV

This can't be. Gaara, the only one who knew my pain, is gone.

"Why does he care so much for Gaara" I heard granny chio say.

"Because... they're the same. They're both jinjuriki, that's why he cares so much, he knows Gaara's pain." Kakashi sensai said.

"Also, he can't loose another friend, he already lost Sauske to Orochimaru and Irika, we don't know where she is, so that's why he has to save Gaara" he said again.

"Sakura-chan" I spoke.

"Yes" she replied.

"You know, you know about the Nine Tailed fox spirit that's inside of me, don't you" I said. I could feel Temari gasp.

"And the Akakauki, they're only after Gaara for his tailed beast" I said. I'm struggling to hold back my tears.

"They only see us ass monsters. But why? Why does he only get the short end of the stick, huh! Why is it always him" I started to yell.

I can't hold them back any longer. I let there tears fall.

"Naruto" Temari said.

"Yes" I answered.

"Thank you, thank you, for helping Gaara" she said.

"I haven't finished yet. But just you wait Gaara, we're gonna save you" I yell.

Then we continue on our journey.

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