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Hi guys, this is my first serious book on wattpad so constructive criticism is welcomed and i hope you guys like it. I will try to update maybe once or twice a week but i still do have somewhat of a life, barely. So anyways guys.

I wake up to a scream. My scream. I put my hand on my heart feeling my sweat soaked shirt, whispering to myself it was just a nightmare. Another nightmare.

Yanking the tangled sheets away from my short limbs I climb out of my bed, tip-toeing down stairs looking around at the boxes that litter the floor.

Tomorrow were going to travel almost 1000 miles to this small, little town in the woodsy state of Oregon. Personally i'm excited to go, i'v heard there are beautiful, clear waterfalls and don't even get me started on the huge, majestic, untamed trees i'v seen in pictures. I get snapped out of my thoughts as I trip over one of the many boxes littering the floor.

Sitting down criss-cross I open the small box, when I see the contents inside I start to tear up, I pull out the last gift my mother gave me before she died, the little music box was still as beautiful as ever, one pink flower in the middle of two blue smaller ones and a bow above it while the ballerina stands in her croise devant position.

Sitting down criss-cross I open the small box, when I see the contents inside I start to tear up, I pull out the last gift my mother gave me before she died, the little music box was still as beautiful as ever, one pink flower in the middle of two...

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I twist the little knob in the back and smile when a familiar tune hits my ears. I hum along enjoying the short tune I haven't heard in a few years. I turn my head when I here a thump following with a curse and the shuffling of feet. My dad comes into vision. He looks tired. I think to myself, his eyes lock on the music box and he sighs. He comes to sit next to me " you shouldn't be up" he says still looking at the music box " I had another nightmare" I turn away from his gaze.

He turns to face his body towards mines and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him to. My daddy, the man who was there to comfort me when my mother lost her life due to a car accident, the man who had to take care of a 11 year old all by himself.

I mean my grandma was there but she couldn't really take care of me like my dad could, and there was my aunt but she was traveling the world with her new boyfriend. She didn't care about us, that her sister had died after being hit by a car and smashing into the windshield, she didn't even come to the funeral. All she cared about was the sights of Rome.

I shake those thoughts out of my head and stand up with him " come on, it'll be day light soon" I shake my head and walk back to my room I grab a towel from one of the boxes and some clothes.

I hop in the shower and quickly scrub down, I wash my hair and dry off. Stepping out of the shower I walk over to the mirror, I put my hair up in a pathetic excuse for a bun and start to lotion myself. I start to sing a song I heard on the radio a few days ago, ugh I just cant get it out of my head.

" Come on Ava we gotta have this stuff packed and ready to go before 6" I pick up my pace after hearing the time we have to be out of here. I don't think i'm really going to miss L.A. I mean i have no friends and i finished school, the only thing i really do is take pictures. Of everything.

Once i'm finished dressing I walk out of the bathroom and go in the kitchen.

" Finally, I thought you passed out in there or something" i hear my dad chuckle.

" Ha Ha, very funny dad you make it seem like i was in there for eternity" I say while picking up an apple. He looks at me with a raised eyebow, rolling my eyes I get some of the breakfast he made.

" So you have everything worked out huh?" i ask chewing on my toast trying not to let it fall out. " yes, i just thought it'd be nice to start fresh ya know" he says drinking his coffee.

" Dad " i state with an amused expression " don't you think your a little late?" i laugh. " Hey, i'm getting to be an old man, you have to take things slow for me" he laughs along with me.

" your not that old" i retort. He gives me a lop-sided smile " yet" i say running back into my room before he could respond. I walk to the side of the room opposite of my bed and look at what used to be where my pictures hung up but was now just a empty space on a wall with lots of tiny little pin holes.

I hear a knock on my door and turn around just in time to see my dad poke his head in " hey kiddo, come on lets get these boxes in the truck." we had rented a u-haul truck the day before. George, one of my dads closest friends walked in the open door " Hey, your dad asked me to help with these. You don't mind right?" I shake my head no, smiling.

George was one of the few people I let in after my moms death. He was like an uncle. iv'e gotten a lot better now but I still have my moments. " Ava" i'm broken out of my thoughts by my dads voice. He's standing by the truck talking to George. I come and stand next to him. As we say our goodbyes i start to tear up, George was family. But hopefully we'll see him soon.

I check my bag making sure i have everything. Phone, check. Charger, check. I- pod, check. Snacks, check. Yeah were all good, i climb into the truck. Suddenly i remember something " Hey dad, did you get my piano?" I asked wanting to make sure.

" yeah, its being shipped down to Oregon" I breath out sigh of relief knowing that its safe. My mom had taught me to play when I was 7, i love it. Always practicing, playing, even if i did disturb the neighbors. I had gotten significantly better at it, and i didn't have to look at the keys and i could read sheet notes. That piano would always link me with my mother and playing it just brought back the memories of when she sat down next to me and smiled kindly when i messed up before putting my fingers on the right keys. When i was feeling down she used to repeat a mantra " Head up, back straight, because you are a beautiful winner and winners don't quit, especially not the beautiful variety." I smile at the memories. I lean my head against the window, drifting off into a deep sleep.

Let me know what you guys!!!

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