Chapter Six

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I'm back with another chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!!

I quietly turn the door nob gently closing the door behind me. As I tip-toe up the stairs I hear a throat clearing behind me. Scrunching up my face I slowly turn around giving my best smile. My not so happy looking father sits at the kitchen island. " I'm absolutely positive I said ten." He says in a low voice. " it's -" he looks at his watch " 12 am." He stares at me waiting for an answer.

I stand there not really knowing what to say.  "I -." He puts his hand up, rubbing his face he says " Just go to your room, we'll talk about this in the morning " I turn around and swiftly make my way up the stairs. I mean I know he cares about me and everything but I'm 18 years old, a legal adult, I can handle myself. I plop on my bed suddenly feeling tired. My eyes start to flutter close until I hear a ding.

Lena: hey just wanted to make sure you made it in safely.

Me : yeah thx for checking I had a great time tonight, thx for inviting me.

Lena: aww it's no problem, Kenny seemed interested in you😜😜

Me: 🙄🙄you need to stop✋🏽. Speaking of interested your little boyfriend didn't want to let go of you tonight😂😂.

Lena : lol I know, that just mean my baby is loyal, ain't gotta worry about these hoes, cause we don't looovvvveee these hoes.

I let out an ugly sounding laugh. This girl was to funny.

Me : 😂😂😂😂you right, you right. But aye I gotta get to bed, Ima fall asleep during the conversation 😂😂. Night

She text me back instantly.

Lena: goodnight Avey bear 🐻 . My nickname for u😂😂

I smile at my first real friend. It feels nice for other people besides my dad to care about me .

After I plug my phone up I fall into sleep to be met with another memory of the past.

Next Morning........

I wake up to a harsh light beaming down on me from my window. "Ughh I throw my arm over my eyes." I spare a quick glance at my alarm clock. 9:00 am. It's not like I have anything to do.

I decided not to go to a college or uni because I just didn't feel the need. Everyone always tries to preach about how you have to go to a college to make a good life for yourself but that's not true. Of course I was pressured but in the end its about me. So instead I decided to become a freelance photographer.

" Ava." My dad calls me down stairs. I roll my eyes and sluggishly pull myself out of bed and down the stairs.

"Yes" I answer with slight attitude. He looks up at me hard from his paper daring me to speak to him that way again. I guess I'll never be grown up enough in his eyes.

"Your breakfast is on the table." He looks back down continuing to read. " thanks " I mumble going back to my room.

When I finish I get dressed in a simple grey sort sleeved shirt, some blue skinny jeans and my white converse all stars.

I throw my hair up into something and pick out  my pair of black flowery glasses after grabbing my camera.

I make my way down stairs with my empty plate and throw it in the sink.

"Ava I just want you to know I only act like this because I care about you peanut, I love you so much and I don't like seeing the people I love hurt, and thats exactly what will happen with boys, I know how they are. " He finishes with a sigh.

" I know dad, it's fine. I'm sorry for not being in when I said I was, I just got caught up, I'm sorry. "

We hug it out, we never could stay mad at each other for to long. He kisses my forehead and pats my back. " I think you should find something to do around here peanut, maybe find a job."

I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe, I'll look around. But in the mean time I'm just gonna take some photos." After waving goodbye and grabbing my keys I'm out of the door.

As I trek down the road I feel a shiver go down my spine. That's odd, it's not even cold out. I look around not being able to shake the feeling that something is watching me, or maybe someone.

Shaking my head I decided I'm being ridiculous and keep walking only to hear a branch snap behind me. I whip my head around searching for the source of the noise.

When I see nothing I start to get a bit scared. I keep walking looking around until I get to town. I breath out a sigh of relief seeing other people.

I spot Bianca talking to some guy and decide to wait until she's done to approach. When the guy walks away I walk up to her. "Hey Bianca its me Ava." I say thinking to say my name in case she doesn't remember me.

"Oh yeah hey. What's up?" She says smiling seeming genuinely interested in what I've been up to.

"Oh you know eating, drinking, sleeping, the usual." I say naming off the few things I've done.

She bursts out into laughter. " your funny" she says wiping her eyes. I just smile.

She gets a text and looks at her phone. "Hey Ava I have to go right now but maybe we can set up something later where the two of us can hang out."

"Sure" I wave as she walks off.

"You missed a lot of fun last night" My heart almost jumped out of my chest as I turn around to see-.

To Be Continued 😂😂😂

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