Chapter Five

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Hey hope you guy enjoy this chapter.

As we pulled up into what looks like an abandoned road I start to get kinda worried.

"Hey where we going?" I asked a concentrated Lena squinting her eyes to see in the dark.

"We're almost there." Is all she says. Soon I see the little light. As it grows bigger I realize that it's a fire. We parked a few feet away from the fire along with some other cars.

There's a fire in the middle of grass with hay bales around it and blankets covering them. There were people talking, playing guitar, and drinking. I'd be sure to stay away a from that tonight, I had a feeling it wasn't water or soda.

I followed Lena as she walked up to some tall, handsome, chocolate man. She kissed him and tried to pull away but he pulled her back into a full on makeout session in front of everyone. I blushed clearing my throat. She broke away smiling up at him, " Travis, this is my friend Ava. She just moved here. Ava, this is my boyfriend Travis." He flashes me a killer smile and I couldn't help but smile back. "Travis, but im sure you heard Lena say it already" he says. His voice is deep, masculine, and smooth. I can see why Lena chose him to be her boyfriend.

Lena turned to whisper something in his ear and he growled. " I'll see you later" she said out loud with a smirk. His lustful eyes followed her retreating form. We soon came to stop at another group of people. We slowly go around greeting everyone, Lena introducing me as her new best friend.

I go to the table to get a soda when I hear someone announce. "Alright everyone gather around the fire. We're playing truth or dare."

I make my way back over to the hay benches.

After everyone is seated a tall dark haired boy with blue eyes named Austin stands up. "Alright people this is strip truth or dare. I'll explain the rules since we have some newbies." He says looking directly at me, doing something that resembled a wink. He must've had a twitch or something. Probably from all of that alcohol. "Somebody asks you truth or dare. If you deny, you take off a piece of clothing. Got it? Ok let's play." He hollers the last part out.

I start to get nervous. Take your clothes off? I hope nobody picks me.

A red head girl I've learned holds the name of Bianca starts us off. "Truth or dare sunny?" She asks a dark blonde.

" Definitely dare. Mama didn't raise no punk." She states proudly. She gets hoots and hollers from around the fire. "Alright, alright, settle down." The red head laughs.

" I dare you to take Mike's socks off with your teeth." Everyone oh's as she gets down in front of a boy with hazel hair and hazel eyes.

She takes off his shoes and holds her nose bending down to take the boys socks off.

She holds her hands up in victory with both socks in her mouth after about five minutes of gagging, and some laughing from the others.

Everyone claps as she sits back down. " Lena." Sunny says slowly with a sly smirk. Lena rolls her eyes. I don't think she likes sunny to much, from the death glares to the snarls they've shared all night I think that would be a good conclusion.

"I dare you to go and kiss Liam. On the mouth. For a minute." She says still holding her smirk.

Lena looks at a very upset looking Travis before taking off her cardigan. "Hell na" she says as she goes to sit on Travis lap and he wraps his arms around her wait and snuggles his face into her neck.

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