Chapter Three

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Picture of lena at the top. I know the last chapter I wrote was no way to end anything but I had to make it quick.

I walk back out into the warm air, Lena trailing behind me.
"Hey I'm really sorry" she says with puppy dog eyes, "I didn't mean to bump into you."
I put my hand on her shoulder, a comforting gesture. "I said it was fine, what made you in such a hurry you couldn't dare look up?" I ask with a smirk. She smiles probably releaved I'm not upset with her, but I'm not like that.

"Just some party were throwing down at The Creek."

"HEY" she screams making me jump. You should totally come, you know as my way of apologizing." "Na " I tell her with the shake of my head "I'm not really the party type."

"Oh come on, please, you don't even have to dress up." She stops walking while I keep going.

I turn around completely set on telling her no but then she does something I can't resist, something I've always been weak for. Puppy dog eyes. I've always been a softie and this didn't make it any better.

"Fine ." I say with a sigh " but only under one condition" I state holding up my index finger.

"Yeah, what?" she asks with excitement.

"No drinking" I state firmly, I've seen what it can do to people, make the most logical people seem like they have no god damn sense.

She shrugs her shoulders with a simple " okay." I nod my head satisfied.

She gives me her number and I give mines to her and we split ways.

2 hours later

I arrive back at the house from exploring this oh so huge town. Did you catch the sarcasm?

"Hey peanut is that you?" I hear my dad call out. " No it's not me dad, it's someone who looks exactly like me and sounds like me." I come into the kitchen to him making sandwiches.

"oh haha" he mock laughs " you find anything interesting?"

" well I found a very clumsy girl" I say recalling Lena. "she invited me to a party" I state not thinking it was that big of a deal. Obviously I was wrong.

"Oh a party?" He asks coming around the counter looking quite serious. " umm yeah" I look at him weirdly. He doesn't usually act like this.

"What kind of party?" He asks " I don't know dad, just some party" I start to get irritated.

"Will there be boys at this party?" I look at him like he's retarded. "Is this what this whole interrogation is about?" I ask sighing audibly.

"Have you had sex Ava" He asks looking like he's ready to blow.

I blush profusely. " DAD" I screamed exasperated. "Where would I have the time to have had sex? I have no friends, and you know I get nervous around people, especially men." I say looking down feeling embarrassed.

My dad has been the only man in my life since ever. I mean of course there was boys at school but they never took interest in me. They liked the tall, leggy blondes. The one boy I did have a crush on moved away to England to a special school for smart kids.

"I'm sorry peanut, I just needed to make sure. I am your father after all." He says hugging me.

"So I can go?" I ask hopefully putting my puppy eyes on. Their his weakness.

He looks down at me smiling. "No." He walks back to the counter to finish making the sandwiches while I sit there and pout with my arms crossed.

"And why not?" I say with a roll of my eyes. "Because." He turns to me. "Parties mean you want to look all cute, looking all cute means boys, boys mean interest, interest means you want to explore that interest, and that." He says holding up a finger. "Means sex." I roll my eyes at his stupid logic. "Well let me tell you what I think." I say standing up. "Parties mean being social, which means I make friends, which means I won't have to be lonely all the time." I state looking at him with a smirk. He stares at me for a moment.

"You really are your mothers daughter." He sighs with a small sad smile. "Your curfew is 10pm."

I twist my lips into a frown. "Curfew? Im 18, I don't need a curfew." I say putting my hands on my hips and my chin up.

"As long as you live under my roof, yo ass gone have a curfew." He says laughing walking into the living room with his sandwich.

I roll my eyes and snatch my sandwich and plate off the counter heading upstairs .

I turn around and catch a glimpse of something black out the window. I put my plate down and go to the window. I don't see anything but I feel something watching me. Suddenly a hear a howl and a chill goes down my spine and the hairs on my neck stands up.

I shrug it off and go back up to my room with my sandwich to finish unpacking.

Today's gonna be long.

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