You, me and the Rain

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"Now you're gone
But I'll be okay
Your hot whiskey eyes
Have fanned the flames
Maybe I'll burn a little brighter tonight
Let the fire breathe me back to life"

The rain drops hit Allison's head.

Allison had decided to sit outside and paint, but soon like every other decision she'd made in her life, she began to regret it. The once clear blue sky was now covered with grey clouds. Grumbling slightly, Allison stepped back inside and closed the glass doors. Allison stared at the white daisies sitting in her balcony, the water drops sliding off the petals and the spreading oil paint on her canvas.

Allison liked the rain. She wasn't exactly a pluviophile but she appreciated it. According to her, rain had a calming and soothing effect and would help her relax in any state. However, with her neighbour, the soothing or calming effect didn't play too well.

"Rain seems pretty stupid, you know." The two, annoyingly always were nowadays always found together. Their parents always clubbed them together, whether they were going out separately or together; there was no escape. "It's so gloomy." It wasn't that Allison or Rune hated each other. In the beginning, when their parents didn't suffocate them with each others presence, the could bear each other, but now , they annoyed each other to death; it was a fun game for both of them. "Really, that's the only reason you hate it?" Allison questioned, keeping a poker face.

"What else would it be?" Rune mumbled, keeping his head low. Allison intimidated him, to be honest, but he tried his best to not let it on. The twelve or so paper cranes which Allison had taught him to make sat on her bed, the light pinks of the cranes going well with the whites of her bed. He looked at her as she placed the canvas down, leaving half of the painting. "You're just gonna leave it?"

"I'd rather enjoy the rain." She paused grabbing a book kept on her table, and sitting cross legged in front of her glass doors. "Only if you let me."

"And why would I do that?" Rune questioned, his hands busy with folding the paper cranes. "To be a nice, decent human being who does not like to be stabbed in the neck."

"Are you sure you'll even be able to reach my neck?" He cocked up an eyebrow, smirking. "No wonder tall people are such assholes." She mumbled, staring out the door. "Huh?" Rune looked up at her, too bothered folding paper cranes than to listen to her. "Never mind."
"Never mind."
"Why can't you repeat your word?"
"I said never mind."
"Again, can't you please repeat your word?"
"Ok, damn." Rune replied as he flinched back, crushing the crane. He still didn't get why she couldn't repeat what she said earlier and kept on replying with never mind. "I mean it wouldn't like kill you to repeat what you said though."

Hey lovelies oMG I AM so Excited YAAAYY my story reached seven hundred weird no. To comment on but i like the no. 7 thank you sooo much. Sorry for the short updates, these are slight fillers for the main plot!!!!

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