Chapter Eight

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I told him he didn't have too, but he insisted he should.


Me and Zach walked into my empty house with my dad. It was huge. We went upstairs and decided the purpose of each room. My dad took the first room on the right. It had a bathroom and a balcony facing the backyard. The room beside his was going to be my work room, were I can do all my work and stuff. The room in front of that one was going to be my room. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small. It had a balcony facing the front, a bathroom and a walk in closet. The room beside mine was the guest bedroom. We walked back outside and started unloading the boxes from the moving truck. Zach took all the boxes labelled kitchen, living room & basement. My dad took the boxes labelled bathrooms, dinning room & office. And I took the boxes labelled bedrooms & closets. Once all the boxes were unloaded in each room, we started unpacking. Zach helped me and my dad unpack the boxes in the office first. Once we were done, we went to the bedrooms and started unpacking there.
Dad: I'm going to go downstairs and start unpacking there. Nothing but unpacking better happen up here *looks at Zach* I have eyes at the back of my head.
Me: dad!
I looked at Zach and saw him blushing. It was really cute.
Dad: okay, okay. I'm just saying. I'm like a ninja!
Once my dad left the room it was just me and Zach. I turned and looked at him.
Me: Zach just ignore him. He says weird stuff all the time.
Zach nodded slowly and started unpacking the boxes.

After about 3 hours later we finished unpacking everything upstairs. It was 7:00 p.m. My dad went out to go buy pizza, since we haven't went shopping for food yet. We were in my room cuddling on my bed.
Me: hey, thanks for helping me unpack. Means a lot.
Zach: hah anytime. I should get back home now before your dad sees me cuddling with you.
Me: yeah.
Zach: want to hangout tomorrow?
Me: sure! What time?
Zach: maybe around 12?
Me: okay. See you then!
Zach: see you.
He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. A minute after he left, my dad came home.
Dad: hey Y/N, where's Zach?
Me: he went home.
Dad: oh. He didn't want to spend the night?
Me: I don't know, he had to go.
My dad left the room and I got a text from Zach.
Zach 💕: Goodnight princess, see you tomorrow. Sleep well :')
I smiled at the text.
Y/N 😍: Goodnight 🙈💕


IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE,,,,,, ITS BECAUSE OF SCHOOL HAHA. This update is mainly for @/_lowkey.clayton_ since she's been askin me over and over again for a update 😂😂❤️ LETS HOPE I UPDATE AGAIN SOON 😂
-Amber xx

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