Chapter Fourteen

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After that thought, the ride begun.


The whole ride was basically me screaming and hiding in Zach's chest. Every once in a while I'd look up to see what was around me and of course I chose to look up at the wrong times. Jump scares were everywhere and I was so done with this ride.
The ride finally ended in what felt like years. We got off and gathered around the exit door. The boys were talking about how amazing the ride was while me and Kylee were just talking about girl things. I was telling her how much of an inspiration she's had on me and how much she meant to me. She was very satisfied that she's had a huge impact on someone's life....She's so nice. When the boys finished talking they were trying to get me and Kylee in their conversation, ruining ours. They asked what we thought of the ride and we just glared at all of them. We decided to go for some cotton candy. It's about 9:45PM. We got our cotton candy and went on a few more rides.

A few hours had past and we were having a blast. Me, Kylee & Nick were all soaked cause the other boys pushed us in the pool by "accident". We got in the car and drove home. Nick was up front with Rudan driving, Kylee and Edwin were in the middle row, and me and Zach where in the back. He had his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest. My eyes were closed but I wasn't asleep, Zach thought I was though.
Edwin: "you should just date her."
Rudan: "yeah y'all would be such a cute couple."
Nick: "what about zick?"
Kylee: "she's so nice. I really like her. She'll be able to get along with anyone."
I felt Zach's heart beating really fast, and he started to sweat.
Nick: "are you ever gonna ask her out?"
Zach: "I was thinking yeah. I'm not sure how or when. I mean, we just met and have a great friendship."
Edwin: "ew friendships. Just ask her out tomorrow or whenever."
Zach: "I'll think about it. I just don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. She just moved here and I don't want her to think I'm gonna play her."
The whole conversation made me have different emotions. I know we met just a few days ago but honestly he's the sweetest boy I've ever met in my life. None of the boys back were I used to live were never nice to any girl. They always played them and broke their hearts. But Zach, Zach was different from the rest of them. He really did care about girls, and know that girls aren't just some kind of doll that they can go to when they want something. He was always nice to me.
We arrived back home and I actually fell asleep. Zach woke me up by rubbing my thigh.
Zach: "cmon y/n, we're home."
You could barely open your eyes. You got out of the car but you were very wobbly. You almost fell down by just standing in one spot. You and Zach said your goodbyes to everyone and started to walk to your houses.
Zach: "y/n, can you stay over?"
Y/n: "um I have to ask my dad. I'll get back to you."
You ran to the front door and opened it.
Dad: "hello sweetie. How was today?"
Y/n: "it was really good. Can I stay over at Zach's for the night?"
Dad: "well yeah I guess, but tonight I was thinking me and you could just watch movies all night because we haven't spent a lot of time together cause you're always at Zach's and I'm working."
Y/n: "awe dad I'm so sorry. But wait, do you have work tomorrow?"
Dad: "yeah."
Y/n: "how about Wednesday?"
Dad: "nope, I have the day off."
Y/n: "okay, how about we just spend that day just the two of us and we could go get Starbucks and just hang out all day."
Dad: "I was planing on getting more furniture, but that's good too."
Y/n: "okay. Good night dad, get some sleep."
Dad: "goodnight y/n."
I gave him a kiss on the forehead and went to my room. I got my pyjamas and ran over to Zach's.


these past chapters have been really boring, I'm sorry. anyways, I'm not sure if I should have dirty stuff in this....what do you guys think?

-a xx

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