~Chapter Fourteen~

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   "I-I can't do it," I mumble into the phone. "Do it or you both die," the dark voice says back, "I could always just torture him right in front of you." I begin shaking, thinking of what might happen if I refuse to do this.
   "F-Fine. I'll d-do it," I stutter. "Good. I'll send you the thing tomorrow. You know where it will be," he says. I hear a knock on my door. "I have to go. He is checking up on me," I whisper before hanging up.
   "Hey, ginger. Who were you talking to?" Ross says when I open my bedroom door. "Just a home-town friend," I mumble in response. I can't tell him the truth, no matter how much I want to. I mean, I wasn't lying, but I wasn't telling the whole truth either.

[one week later]
   "Max. Are you okay? You've been acting weird lately," Adam questions, walking into the office I use to record with the boys. "Y-Yeah." I silently curse myself for stuttering like an idiot.
   I pull my long sleeves down over my hands. "Are you sure? You've changed," he mutters the last part. My eyebrows knit together in confusion. "How have I changed?"
   "First off, you've been avoiding everybody as much as you possibly can. You are starting to look paler. You haven't been eating a lot lately. Ross was just telling me about how he is so worried about you," he explains.
  Ross is worried about me? "I'm just a little home sick," I mumble. "Okay," he says hesitantly before walking back to his office. I shut the door behind him and sit down, my back pressed against the door.
   I sigh as I feel a single, hot tear slide down my cheek. Why me? Why do I have to do this? He doesn't deserve what he is about to go through. I feel my wrist sting and pull down my sleeve.
   I started self-harming again last week. Ross, surprisingly, hasn't noticed that I have started to wear long sleeved shirts again. Well, if he has, he hasn't talked to me about it.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter!

I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter out.

The second I started working on this chapter for the umpteenth time, I finally thought of a really good ide. Thanks all of you who commented suggestions on the last authors note.

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Stay Happy Not Crappy!

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