Chapter 1 : Rei's Determination

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Warren Shnee's wife was having their second child.  She was in immense pain, the  sweat beading down her  scarlet face. Warren let his wife completely crush his hand, not caring as long as she gave birth to an heir.


Warren held his child, the second generation of his blood line. Her white hair was yet to grow, but in time she would be beautiful. She was a Schnee. She had to be beautiful.

"Dear god, thank you for giving me another heir"  Warren thought. He put the child back down into her cradle, then walked away. It had been 6 months since she was born and his wife was out of the house for business reasons. Warren suddenly began thinking to himself, and in those muddled thoughts being rapid fired into his mind, one thought stood clear:

"If only she was a boy."

"Winter." Warren called as he spotted his eldest daughter. Winter held the normal Schnee look, perfect white hair and blue eyes to match. Her fair pale skin blended perfectly with the look of her eyes, melding even better with her skin. She was but the age of eight, and yet Warren knew the young girl would also grow up to be beautiful.

"Yes, father?" She asked brightly. Warren's heart ached, realizing that he barely spent anytime with his daughter and yet she remained so cheery and bright.

"How are your lessons going?" Warren asked, using his hand to signal going for a walk. She followed, talking with her squeaky voice and her very bright eyes. Warren found that she talked extremely fast, much to his unlocking. A Schnee should be polite, not wanting to disturb the peace around then. Warren corrected himself in his own thoughts, saying to himself that she meant no disrespect.

"Oh they're going great! Aunt May says I may be able to do the Shnee trials when I turn 12!" Winter beamed, and for a second, Warren swore he could see a bright light illuminating from his daughter's face.

"When you are 12? You would be far too young for that, my daughter." Warren commented. He suddenly noticed that his daughter's shoulders began slouching, the pride exiting her body.

"If that's what you think, father." Warren's heart ached again, this time with even more guilt. He had just shot his daughter down when she was at her highest without meaning to. To him, it was just a simple comment. To her, however, it was her father's personal opinion, the opinion that mattered most to her.

"However, when you do attempt the Schnee trials, I will be there cheering for you." Warren said, his office in sight. The effect of his words were immediate, his daughter's mood returning to her previous state, cheery and bubbly.

"Thank you, father." Winter said, her smile returning to her face.

"My pleasure. Now run along, my dear. I will stop by and see how you're training is going later on." Warren said, signaling to the hall that led to the training rooms.

"Of course, father." Winter said, bowing and walking towards the training rooms.

Warren walked into his office, turning the metal knob so that the door opened. His office was nearly exactly like it had been when he left, completely organized. The books on the bookshelf to his left were still nearly ordered A-Z, the large window behind his desk spotless. His desk was relatively unchanged, aside from the fact that a new stack of papers awaited his attention. Sighing to himself, he sat down at his office and begun the daunting task before him.

Later that afternoon, his wife returned home. She, however, didn't return home alone. Warren knew exactly what time she would be returning, and he took it upon himself to make sure that she was welcomed home to the best of his ability.

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