The Last Chapter : "The Death Of Rei Schnee"

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Summer, Qrow, Crystal, Raven, and Elliot all charged Cinder, who had finished absorbing the mass amount of Grimm. She suddenly released a shockwave of energy, forcing the five back and causing them to defend their eyes with the arms or hands.

Yang suddenly grabbed Rei's hand, pulling him in the direction of the Dragon that had separated itself from Cinder. Of course, the Dragon was not absorbed by Cinder. It was far too powerful for that to happen.

"We'll take the flying lizard!" Yang shouted, pointing at Nemesis almost giddy with excitement. Rei soon ran along with her, refusing to be pulled by her anymore. Rei suddenly pulled on her arm, signaling a move they had practiced as children before. Yang instantly responded, shifting her body to face Rei as Rei suddenly pulled her around him, throwing her upwards with such strength that she found herself high above Nemesis. Rei then used his wings to take flight, soaring at the Dragon and keeping it busy while Yang charged her flames, using the angle of her fall to increase her strike.

"Cursed Dragon's Inferno Cannon!" Rei shouted, charging his own blast of black flames that soon were fired at Nemesis. The ancient dragon responded by firing it's own red flame at his  blast, causing the two to cancel out each other.

Yang suddenly came crashing down, her golden flames carving a hole directly through the flying combatant.

"Golden Flames Of Fury!" Yang shouted. The dragon screamed in pain before flying higher into the air. Yang had punched a hole directly through the beast, her golden body falling to the ground.

"Yang!" Rei shouted in distress as he launched after her, hoping to catch her before she crashed into the ground. It wasn't like she was going to die or anything, Rei was just panicking. Which is why when he caught her she almost slapped him.

"What? I need you to finish off the dragon." Rei said as he saw her sour look. He suddenly stretched his black wings, soaring into the air as the wings flapped themselves.

"Can you get me above it again?" Yang asked, her voice barely audible due to the winds that were created from Rei's wings.

"Maybe." Rei said, noting that the dragon seemed to not notice it's wound.

"It really is powerful." Rei breathed, using his wings to fly even faster into the air.


Cinder easily blocked their pathetic strikes using her newfound abilities. A black shield was casted around her, preventing any attacks the five launched from reaching her. She smiled as she saw the five struggle against her first new ability.

"Is this all?" She taunted, crossing her arms over her chest. She found it very amusing how that small phrase angered them so. She suddenly laughed, tilting her head back and enjoying herself.

"Keep laughing. It will only give us more time." Crystal said as she suddenly leaped backwards, charging her ultimate technique. A blue flower suddenly grew in her palms as she brought them together in front of her. The flower grew in size suddenly, increasing in power.

"Elliot!" She shouted at Rei's father, who reacted by jumping next to her and charging his own blast. Just like Crystal, he connected his palms in front of him. In doing so, a white flower grew, also increasing in size and power.


Rei threw yang high into the air, above the dragon as it suddenly fired a blast of flames at Rei. Rei saw the blast incoming and attempted to dodge, but the blast sent him crashing into the ground, several thousand feet below. The dragon wasn't done yet. It roared before firing three black flame shots, each stronger than the last. Yang suddenly came crashing down again, her golden flames suddenly crashing into the dragon from above.

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