Vol.2 / Chapter 8 : "Rank 106"

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"What do you mean, 'Rei left again!?'"a certain blonde brawler shouted at her younger sister.

"Y-Yang, calm down." The little sister put up her hands between them, creating a weak yet effective barrier.

"What do you mean 'Calm down!?' Rei left!? Again!?" Yang shouted even louder.

"B-Blake.... Explain please?" Ruby asked, sheepishly.

"Rei.... Rei has left Beacon again." Blake replied after a slight pause. The words he'd spoken to her before he'd left rang in her head, as if warning her and t the same time threatening her.

"Don't tell Ruby and Yang where I left exactly. Just that I'm gone."

"Why!?" Yang shouted again.

"H-he didn't say...." At this, Yang's eyes narrowed.

"You know something, Blake." Yang stated after a closing the distance.


"Blake. Where. Is. Rei?" Yang said, sternly. Her stone-cold amber eyes scared Blake, forcing her weak exterior to break.

"I-...I-...." She stammered.

"Blake. I'm going to ask you one. Last. Time. Where is Rei?"

"He's...... He's uh......" Yang suddenly shot forward. Blake closed her eyes, anticipating a blow maybe even two. Instead, Yang had forced her into an embrace. 

"Blake. Please." Yang pleaded. The pitch of her voice, the begging hug that she offered finally forced Blake to give in.

"Qrow." Blake said, finally.


"You sure about this, kid?" Qrow asked, giving Rei a serious look.

"What choice do I have?" Rei replied.

"Well, lots o'choices. Like stay and don't die, or leave and die. Okay, not a lot of choices." Qrow stated.

"What do you mean, 'stay and don't die or leave and die?'" Yang asked, breaking open the door to Qrow's small cabin.

"Yang! What did I tell you about breaking the door!" Qrow shouted.

"I think Yang's in a mood to say 'what do you mean.'" Ruby whispered to Blake, following Yang through the broken doorway.

"What did you mean by that? And where are you going?" Yang asked the two males.

"Rei. Your job to explain. I'm going to fix my door." Qrow said, shooting Yang an angered look.

"My mom is being held captive by Mystral Forces. I'm going to-" Rei began before he was rudely interrupted.

"To bring her back?" Weiss said, walking into the house as well.

"Trust me. You won't make it. You probably won't even step one foot into their territory. Believe me. Father has known about Mother for quite sometime now. He can't make a move, however, as any move in the kingdom of Mystral and war breaks out." The heiress stated boldly. Rei have her the look that said "I hate it when you're right."

"The Catalyst" : A Yang Xiao Long AU! #RWBYWATTYSWhere stories live. Discover now