Vol.3 / Chapter 6 : "The Room"

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Rei opened his eyes slowly, registering a rocky ceiling above him. He groaned, slowly sitting up. He was in a dark cave, the ceiling dripping water. A small lamp was hung from the roof, providing a small amount of light that barely traversed the large cave.

"What the-? Where-?" Rei exclaimed as he slowly stood up from his position.

"So you've woken." A male voice suddenly said behind him. Rei whipped behind him, preparing to grab his sword but he didn't know that it wasn't on his belt.

"Who the heck are you?" Rei shouted. The figure wore a brown hood that covered his face and he also carried a long spear.

"Forgive me. It seems I have forgotten to introduce myself yet again." The male suddenly removed his hood, revealing his face in the dim light of the lantern. Rei's eyes widened in surprise.

"Master Of The Poison Arts, Poison Huntsman Lucio. Rank 101." Rei breathed. Lucio nodded his head, a small smirk making its way to his face. Lucio was a man who looked to be in his late thirties, a clean and shaved face and piercing brown eyed that complimented his black hair well.

"I am.... Surprised that my face is still known." Lucio said, walking closer to Rei.

"However, time is short. Forgive me for being so rash, but I needed to get you here quickly." Rei looked around, a puzzled look on his face.

"And where exactly is here?" Rei asked, waving his arms at the cave around them."

"Actually, we are in the underground section that runs underneath Atlas, but that is not the point. I brought you here because the young mistress has...." Lucio cut himself off, taking a deep breath. Rei suddenly became interested in the situation, but only because he had said "little mistress".

"You mean Yuki?" Rei breathed. Lucio lifted his head, a sudden hopeful gaze on Rei.

"You even know of her surname. I am sure that you are the correct individual. Yes, I mean Mistress Yuki. The king of Vacuo, a vicious man by the name of Lord Dravoks, has asked for Mistress Yuki's hand in marriage for his son." Lucio began.

"And you couldn't stop them? Who would stop you, a rank 101 huntsman?" Rei asked, wanting the true facts.

"Dravoks has targeted my sister, Karen. I have not wished to bring harm upon her and her small family. Should I interfere, Dravoks will stop at nothing to bring harm to her." Lucio explained.

"And that's why you need me, but what exactly am I doing?" Rei continued.

"I am going to sneak you into the large tower Mistress Yuki is being held. There, you will take her and return to Beacon under the cover of night." Lucio said, smiling slightly.

"How exactly am I going to get into the tower?"

"We will simply tell the guards you are my new pupil, Ajax Vermillion. They have no reason to be suspicious of me, nor you."


Rei walked behind Lucio, his eyes nervously glancing to either side of him. Lucio turned around, giving him a reassuring nod as they neared the gates.

"Halt!" One of the two guards at the doors said, bringing their palm up to face Rei and Lucio. The other guard suddenly hit him on the head, an angry look on the assaulting guard's face.

"You idiot! Don't you know who that is!? It's GrandMaster Lucio!" The assaulting guard suddenly bowed in respect to Lucio, apologizing after.

"We're very sorry, Master Lucio. Please, take your pupil and enter the Great Atlisian Tower." Lucio merely smiled as he signaled Rei to follow him. The two easily walked through the green courtyard and past the actual front doors, many servants and guards stopping their activities to merely welcome Lucio.

"Mistress Yuki is in the "Reincarnation Room" on the twelfth floor. The staircase is to our left in... 3.... 2..... 1...." Rei quickly left Lucio's side, casually walking up the stairs until he found the twelfth floor sign, indicating he was now on the twelfth floor. His blue eyes searched for any sign of the "Reincarnation Room" Lucio had spoke of.

Then his ears suddenly heard whimpering ahead. It was loud too, the crying somehow penetrating the thick wooden doors. He found the source of the crying, a door to his left with the large sign "Reincarnation Room placed on it. He quietly opened the door, peeking his head in. The crying stopped as he entered the pitch-black room, his eyes attempting to locate a figure in the darkness.

A sharp movement to his left caught his attention. He quickly shifted his body in that direction, his eyes darting everywhere. The door allowed the light of the hallway to cast on his facee, revealing them to anyone in the room.

"Daddy?" Yuki's voice breathed, shocked at the sight of Rei.

"Daddy!" Yuki shouted, running forward happily.

"Hey, Yuki." Rei said, holding her.

"I missed you, Daddy!" The little girl cried into his left leg, tears staining his jeans.

"I missed you too, Yuki." Yuki's head suddenly shot up, sniffling a few times.

"Daddy, we have to get teacher Crystal! She's next door! Come on!" Yuki pulled his arm, running o the door next to the room they were just in.

"Crystal.... as in Crystal Schnee? Mother is here?"

A broken door and a few seconds later and he had his answer.


"The Catalyst" : A Yang Xiao Long AU! #RWBYWATTYSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora