Vol.3 / Chapter 8 : "Shackles"

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You guys will love and hate me for this chapter. Believe it.


"Tai. Keep them saw for me." Rei said, leaving the small cabin. Outside, he found his older sister, Winter, patiently waiting.

"I see you're as energetic as usual." She said, grinning.

"You know where they are, don't you?" Rei asked, his voice a dangerous low tone. Winter looked him the eyes, as if she was unsure whether or not Rei was her younger brother.

"Of course. But, I do believe that you should stop first and listen to what I have to say." Winter suggested as Rei pushed past her.

"I'll listen to you on the way to them." Rei replied, ignoring her meager attempt at socialization.

"We found Glynda Goodwitch, your real mother." Winter said, losing her smile as the topic suddenly became serious.

"You knew, didn't you?" Rei asked quietly. Winter's eyes widened slightly, surprised at his response.

"Yes, I knew that Glynda was your real mother. However, I only found out after you had run away."

"Don't bullshit me."

"It's true." Rei silenced himself, holding his tongue.

"What about it mom? Where's Crystal?"

"I am..... unsure. We have not recovered her body, but we also have not found the machine she was in when the bomb hit." Winter replied, a sad expression on her face.

"Where's Glynda?" Rei asked fiercely.

"She is...... she was gravely injured. The doctors in Atlas have managed to stabilize her, but it is unsure whether or not she'll live." Winter said, looking up at Rei.

"Take. Me. To. Them." Rei demanded, angered. His fist clenched itself, his palms bleeding from the force he was applying to his hands.

"Alright." Winter said, calling for a bullhead.


Blake's eyes slowly opened, her entire body feeling numb.

"Wha-?" She breathed as she tried stretching only to find that her entire body rejected movement. The pain hit her like a flying truck, making her scream in pain. She suddenly noticed the shackles that were attached to her ankles and wrists, holding her captive. She struggled slightly before the pain suddenly rose greatly, causing another empty scream of pain. Light entered her room through a small doorway that was blocked by steel bars.

"Ya hear that? The traitor's awake." A male voice said.

"What should we do? Alert Adam?" Another asked.

"You go tell him. I'm sure he'll be happy." The first replied before the two broke out laughing. Blake shifted uncomfortably, the mention of Adam suddenly making her feel anxious. She let out a yelp, her body still sore and rejecting movement.

"Where.... am I?"


Adam sat atop at the end of the long table, patiently waiting for a response.

"You wish to do what!?" One of Mistral's five Grand Elders asked through their video call.

"You heard me. Either you allow my people to live within your walls or I declare war." Adam replied simply. The five elders began whispering to amongst themselves, deciding on their final verdict. Someone suddenly entered the room, quickly whispering in Adam's ear.

"Well, I'm sorry to say this, but I have other matters to attend to. If you wish to make peace, please feel free to contact me at this address. Goodbye." Adam said, ending the video call and standing up.

"Time for my sweet revenge."


Rei and Winter sat aboard the bullhead, Winter  silently watching Rei and Rei staring out the window.

"You know, it's hard to believe that you're my younger brother who was so shy." Winter said, breaking the silence.

"Tell me about it." Rei replied sarcastically.

"Well.... for starters, you don't seem terrified all of the time anymore."

"I was kidding when I said that."

"You're easily angered now, something that never happened when we were children. You've even found yourself someone who admits that they love you. I envy you, really."

"Why?" Rei asked abruptly, almost cutting her off.

"Why?" She replied, confused.

"Why do you envy me?"

"Well...." Winter was hesitant.

"You had the strength to do what I never could: leave the kingdom and venture into the outside world." Winter replied, somewhat smiling.

"I didn't see Ruby in the house." Rei stated suddenly.

"Tai had me move her to a hospital in Atlas." Winter responded.

"Did she.... really beat that dragon on her own?" Rei asked. Winter nodded her head.

"You should have seen her. She was remarkable, really." Rei gulped as she said the words.

"If Ruby beat Nemesis..... then why do I still the feeling it's still alive?"

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