Chapter 13 : "Killed Without Death"

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Rei ducked, dodging the kick from a hologram and getting punched by another. He quickly recoiled, jumping back and landing his own kick with a spin to get him out of danger. He quickly then thrust his fist low, lodging it into the lower rib cage of the final Hologram. The hologram broke into cubes that soon disappeared.

Someone clapped, whistling at the same time.

"Nice job, cold shot." Yang shouted from behind the glass barrier.

"What are you doing, Yang? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Rei asked, tiredly.

"I couldn't. Not with you shouting Yuki's name." Yang replied, shaking her head. Rei acted as if he was almost dead, barely moving and only slightly breathing.

"I screamed?" Rei asked, his voice just slightly above a whisper.

"Not loud enough other people could hear it through the walls, just loud enough to wake us all up." Yang stated, her arms crossed.

"Sorry." Rei replied, barely making his voice audible.

"How bad was it? The dream?" Yang asked, her amber eyes looking on anxiously. When she got no response, she sighed then walked into the rectangular arena. Rei turned around, looking straight at her. In his eyes, not only the sorrow he felt was reflected, but the dream as well. She saw the flames, Yuki's mangled body desperately trying to reach him.

"Rei..." Yang breathed, already preparing her speech.

"Don't. Don't start, Yang. I know. I know. Just go back to sleep. I'll come back soon." Rei replied, walking to the command terminal.

"How about.... You spar against me instead?" Yang asked, raising her fist. She took a defensive stance, raising her right arm to cover her chest slightly.

"No, I don't-" Rei began. He was forced to stop speaking as Yang rushed forward, aiming her right arm at his face. He shifted his body to the left, allowing the punch to fly by. He quickly jumped back, creating a small portion of space.

"Yang-" Rei was once again cut off as Yang rushed forward. She fired a flurry of punches, still keeping Ember Celica inactive aside from transforming them into gauntlets. Rei dodged them all, jumping back even further.

This continued for many minutes, Yang charging and Rei dodging.

Somehow, by some twist of certain events, Yang ended up landing two heavy blows to Rei's lower rib cage. She then twirled, her blonde hair flying behind her as she kicked Rei, sending him flying. He landed hard, crashing into the cement. Yang watched as he slowly got to his feet, seeing if he'd gotten her message the fists carried.

Rei smiled lightly, then rushed as well. Yang countered, rushing to meet him head-on. The two crashed their fists into each other, creating a shockwave underneath and around them. They continued to spar, both not quite giving their all. They were having fun, until a female voice spoke up.

"Ahem. Mr.Crystal, Ms.Xiao Long. You have two minutes to return to your rooms before I must assign you detention." Glynda Goodwitch said stubbornly. She had her arms crossed across her chest, watching the two with interest.


Rei and Yang had left some time ago, both smiling widely at their short sparring match.

"Well? Was I not wrong?" Ozpin asked as he snaked his way behind her. Glynda sighed, her composure still as brutal as ever.

"You were right. He is...." Glynda trailed off, unwilling to allow her pride to finish her sentence.

"He is-" Ozpin started.

"The Catalyst" : A Yang Xiao Long AU! #RWBYWATTYSWhere stories live. Discover now