Chapter 6 : "Reunion"

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Rei lingered outside the door, unsure of whether or not to go in. Judging by their team name, Team WRRY, Weiss was probably leader and was notified of his joining.

How would she take it? Would she be angry? Probably. Would she run to him and offer a hug? It's Weiss. She isn't that affectionate.

Before he could decide on whether or not to open the door, someone decided for him.

The brass door opened, revealing Weiss. She walked into Rei on her way out of the room and was about to start screaming profanities when she realized who it was.

"Rei?" Weiss asked, a slight hitch in her voice. Her icy-blue eyes scanned him, confirming her suspicions. Her brother, lost for nearly five years, was standing in front of her. On her team roster. After he'd left for nearly five years.

"H-heya, Weiss." Rei responded. His voice was shaky, which surprised him. Even when faced with the bullies from earlier, he'd kept his voice calm and discreet. Now, in the presence of his sister, he was breaking under the pressure.

Weiss moved forward, forcing Rei into an embrace he couldn't escape from. Rei returned her gesture, gladly hugging Weiss.

'Was she always this affectionate?' In answer, Weiss took a step back and slapped Rei right across the face, in the same place Yang had punched him earlier. He held his cheek tenderly, slowly brining his crystal-blue eyes to meet her glacial glare.

"Where the hell have you been!? Do you have any idea what I was put through!? Do you even know how many lectures I had to go through without you!?" Weiss shouted at him with accusing eyes.

Rei glanced past her, into the team dorm. On the bunkbeds already installed, Ruby sat up watching the commotion. Yang, however, merely lied down on the top bunk and ignored their presence.

"With them." Rei answered, pointing to Ruby and Yang. Weiss looked at her teammates, then refocused her attention on Rei.

"You've been living with them for almost five years?" Weiss said, the slight hitch returning. Rei nodded, which prompted another slap.

"Well, that was a nice hello." Rei said, once again tenderly holding his face.

"Whatever, just get inside and settle your stuff down." Weiss ordered, her anger very prominent in her voice.


"Rei." Ruby called  from her bed as Rei unpacked his belongings.

"Yeah?" Rei answered, not looking directly at her but still listening to her.

"Yang's mad." Ruby said obliviously. Rei chuckled to himself before replying.

"Yeah, that wasn't too hard to find out." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her head shake.

"No, she's not mad at you. She's mad at herself." Ruby said, her silver eyes looking for a response. Rei froze himself, knowing how Yang was when she was pissed.

"She's not in her bed anymore, is she?" Again, Ruby shook her head.

"She left while you were in the bathroom." The look in Ruby's eyes said it all. Her fear of going after Yang, the responsibility Rei held.

"I'll be back. When Weiss gets out of the bathroom, tell her I'm getting Yang." Rei said, pointing to the bathroom.

"I can hear you dolts." Weiss shouted through the wooden door, prompting as light giggle from Ruby and another chuckle from Rei.

"I'll be on my way." Rei said, exiting the room and leaving Ruby alone with her thoughts and a Weiss showering.

"Oh mom, if only you were here now. I wish you could see us."


Rei walked up to the desk, the lady behind clicking away on her keyboard. From what he could see, she had beautiful green eyes and splendid blonde hair, pulled into a slight bun that ended in a ponytail. Her glasses made her eyes look larger than they were, but in reality they were about normal eye size.

"Excuse me, where's the nearest bar?" Rei asked, drawing the lady's attention. The lady looked up, frowning slightly.

"You should know that anyone found drunk outside of your dorm will be removed from the school." The woman said coldly. He'd only heard of one teacher to beware of from Ozpin.

"Professor Glynda Goodwitch, I'm not going to get drunk. I'm going to get my teammate." Rei said, smiling slightly.

"How'd I you know my name?" Glynda asked him. She was puzzled, but of course Ozpin probably had a say in this.

"Name tag gives you away." Rei replied, smiling even more. Glynda rolled her eyes, forgetting the obvious.

"Leave through the front doors, the take a left. The bar should be on your right."


Immediately, upon reaching the entrance to the bar, he spotted her wild blonde hair. She was slumped. Against the counter, struggling to hold her drink.

"G-gimmie a- *burp* another." Yang hiccuped slightly after. Rei sighed, walking to her side and pulling her from the counter.

"Rei?" Yang asked drunkenly. She threw a slow punch, aiming for Rei'sface. Rei blocked her slow punch easily, earning a disappointed main from Yang.

"Awww, you blocked it. You're no fun." Yang pouted, then felt herself being thrown over Rei's shoulder.

"Put me down!" Yang shouted, her drunken state taking over even more.

"We're going to the dorms. You're drunk." Rei replied, walking swiftly. The campus entrance was near him, just a couple feet ahead of him.

He made it back to the dorms with no problems.

He entered the room in utter silence, both Ruby and Weiss shushing each other as they entered the room. Rei threw Yang's unconscious body onto her bed, the top bunk, then settled down on his.

"Rei, is what Ruby told me true?" Weiss asked, breaking the silence.

"And just exactly what was it that Ruby told you." Rei asked, blankly.

"That you and Yang are in loooovvvveeee." Ruby made a heart symbol with her hands, drawing out the O in love.

"Maybe, maybe not. She did punch me in the face earlier." Rei replied, ignoring Ruby's kissing noises.

"Have you talked to Winter recently?" Weiss' voice suddenly became serious, drawing Reu's attention.

"No, I haven't."

"She misses you."

"I miss her too. Can I sleep now?"

"Fine. Dolt."

"The Catalyst" : A Yang Xiao Long AU! #RWBYWATTYSWhere stories live. Discover now