Vol.2 / Chapter 22 : "The Mission"

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week had passed since the battle of THND and RWBY. All Team RWBY members, save Blake, were out of the hospital. There were supposed to be many more team fights taking place for the Preparation Tournament, but Ozpin had cancelled them fro some unknown reason. The regular class season at Beacon had begun again, which almost quite literally began sucking the life out of the students.

Today, however was Saturday and as such, team RWBY were situated in the library playing a very intense game of "War For Remnant". A mix of strategy and card game, the ultimate goal of the game being total control over the major cities.

"Take that, Yang! My Valien Air Fleet assaults the Atlas Harbor!" Ruby shouted passionately.

"Oh yeah sis? Well my Atlisian Anti-Aircraft Battleships completely destroy your aircraft! HAHAHAHAHAH!" Yang loudly proclaimed.

"NOOOOO!!!!" Ruby shouted, jumping into Weiss' arms. Weiss threw her off quickly, brushing her dress off.

"Stop acting like a dolt, Ruby. And stop trying to get me to help you. I'm already using my Vaculan Special Forces to raid your supply cash outside the Vale walls." Weiss said, placing the Special Ops card down. Ruby had fake tears streaming down her face as Weiss utterly destroyed her supplies, bringing Ruby's forces to an all time low.

"Blake? Your turn to place a card." Yang eagerly said, nudging the cat Faunus.

"Then I'll play..... the Mystral All-purpose Tanks which raid Vale's walls, weakening its morale and causing Vale to surrender." Blake said, smiling mischievously.

"NOOOOOOO!" Ruby suddenly burst louder, throwing her cards up in defeat.


During the four's game, no one took notice that Rei had slipped away. He was in Ozpin's office again, but this time his face held a much more serious tone than last time.

"You know why I'm back, Ozpin?" Rei asked he headmaster.

"I assume you're going to tell me." Ozpin responded.

"Someone is after Ruby and Yang. While I was gone, I heard rumors of a certain female preparing to take down Vale. And it all started with a red-hooded scythe user and a blonde brawler." Rei stated.

"And I assume there is an ulterior motive behind your sudden reveal despite having been back for quite some time?" Ozpin hinted.

"That person's name is Cinder Fall." Ozpin stared at him, a suddenly very serious tone in his voice.

"I have a mission for you. It's a dual mission, but I'm sure you'll get the job done."


-Two Days Later-

Ozpin worriedly called Team RWBY to his office. He wasted no time, as the second they sat down he bombarded them.

"Girls, we have a situation. I assume you've all noticed the absence of Rei. He is missing because I sent him on a secret mission, one of which was supposed to only take one day to complete. Yesterday, the time he was supposed to return, we received an encrypted message from him. It read

'Compromised. Going to need more time. Will send update.'

Since, we have not received any messages from him." Ozpin said quickly.

"Wait, wha-" Ruby began, obviously baffled by Ozpin's straight-to-the-point attitude.

"What was the mission? And where?" Blake asked, responding quickly.

"There was no mission. I sent him to a secluded area with no entry points." Ozpin said. The whole of Team RWBY still wasn't understanding it.

"Someone is after Rei. Since I sent him to an area where he wouldn't be bothered, you can imagine why this sudden turn of events worries me." Ozpin stated.

"So what do you want us to do, Headmaster?" Weiss asked.

"Find him. Bring him back safe."


Ozpin's scroll began beeping, an indication that he was receiving a call.

"Did you tell them?" A male voice asked.

"They're heading to a safe area. You don't have to worry about them. I am, after all, Headmaster at Beacon. My ability to bend the truth to others must be adept." Ozpin mumbled to himself.

"Just as long as they're safe. I'm guessing you want that update?" Rei asked through the device.

"I assume you have reached your destination?" Ozpin claimed.

"Yeah. We're in Atlas." Rei replied, ending the call and glancing at his partner, Pyrrha Nikos.

"The Catalyst" : A Yang Xiao Long AU! #RWBYWATTYSWhere stories live. Discover now