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It's been a week since that day. I haven't went to school and Emanuel hasn't either. Instead we are busy packing up the house. It's Friday and my dad says we leave today.

My mom has been taking me to the doctor to see if she can fix what's wrong with me. Apparently I've been compelled by the leader vampire and the only person who can make this thought of me loving Harry go away, is Harry himself.

Instead she has given me a charm to put around my ankle. Similar to what Justin had given to me on my birthday but it's much more stronger. So when I wear it I can't get compelled by any vampire and the actions Harry compelled me to do and or feel are gone. But only when I wear the ankle bracelet. Which is the worst part. If I take it off I'm vulnerable.

My mom told the doctor lady to put it there so it would not be as obvious. This ankle bracelet cost a lot of money nearly half of my mother and fathers savings. To them it was worth it.

"Are you ready?" Emanuel ask me bringing the suitcase to the living room. I nod my head. "What if Harry finds out about us leaving, what will happen?"

"I don't want any of you to get hurt again, I can just go with him and it'll all be over." Emanuel brings me into a hug where I silently cry in his shoulder. "No one is getting hurt ok, and don't worry about us. We're fine, you on the other hand your not." 

He pulls away from me "Now come on let's go. Dad says to rest up a bit, he's going to get some final things. So nap during the mean time." I nod walking to my room which is completely empty and I plop down on the bed.

"Wake up baby." A grown mans voice whispers in my ear. I wake up immediately. That is not my father!

"Well that wasn't so hard."

Turning my head to face the voice, Harry stands there with green eyes. "We need to go doll they'll be back any minute now." Harry goes to touch my arm but he screams in pain falling to the floor. This ankle bracelet really is tough.

I take the time to jump out of the bed and run straight to my door but Harry pulls me back making me fall to the ground. "You have another set I see." Harry's eyes turns a darker shade of red almost as if they'll go black any second making me even more frightened.

"Your parents think they'll protect you this way, they think that you wouldn't be mine anymore!" He shouts, his fanged teethe starting to grow.

"Harry please leave me alone." I cry crawling to the wall but he continues to step toward me. When I'm against it I bring my knees to my chest. "Lydia please... Just let me help you." He lifts my chin. His eyes close in pain but he remains touching me.

"That's better. Now take off the necklace." He chaste

Taking his hand away from mine, you can see his skin peeled but it immediately heals making me stare in amazement.

"It's-it's not around my neck." I stutter and I mentally face palm. Lydia, why did you tell him that you fool?!

"Ok if it's not there, where is it baby?" He inspects me looking all over. He looks at my ankle but thinks nothing of it.

I shake my head. "Where is it Lydia? Don't make me angry." Harry squeezes his fist at his sides. I guess he sees my reaction cause, he closes his eyes taking a deep breath.

"Don't you love me?" He ask tenderly and I immediately shake my head. He scoffs in response.

"Incroyable" (unbelievable)

"Your parents are really something else" he laughs "They give you a bracelet doused in sacred water and spelled by a witch, so you wouldn't be able to feel my compulsion." He scoffs again. Witch?

"Lydia!" He growls "Hurry up and take off this set." He chaste

I start to scream for my mom but Harry places his hand on my upper thigh shutting me up. He moves his hand a second after hissing in pain. "I'm guessing that I can't take you now, I don't know where they put it." He refers to my bracelet.

He gets up off the floor and turns to walk away but he ends up stopping facing away from me. Slowly he turns back around and closes his eyes.

When he opens them they are pitch black. He looks me up and then down not missing any body part. As if he's searching for something. When he looks at my right leg, he twists my leg around making me squeal and he snatches the ankle bracelet off my leg. His hand makes a tiny smoke as he holds the bracelet and he drops it onto the floor. His eyes still pitch black, his fangs successfully stick out making me crawl to the door "N'ose même pas de bouger Lydia!" (Don't you dare move Lydia!)

I have no idea what that means but since he said it while I was crawling I think it meant, stop? So that's what I do.

His eyes fixate on the gold chain and it lights up in flames. My eyes widen. Once it is completely burnt Harry puts the fire out using his hand. His fangs going back up and his eyes getting light in color. "Do you see now?"

"Do you get it?" Harry bends down to my level again and takes my hands in his. The feeling I had before the bracelet comes to me, in a big wave. And I forget about the bracelet and the fact that he came into my room because of this one feeling.

The feeling of love. "There's no way, in heaven or hell  you'll be separated from me in any way. You're my mate baby and you're forever mine." He leans in and connects his lips to mine.

It surprises me. But before I know it I'm leaning in. This is my first kiss and it's with a vampire. Who claims he's in love with me.

And right now I love him to.

"Not like that baby but slower." Harry tells me gently holding my face putting a stop to my actions. His eyes glinting an orange. Was I that bad?

"Sorry" I blush looking down. "I've never kissed anyone before." I say sheepishly

"That is good sweetheart, I'll be your first for everything. How about I show you later?" Harry tells me smiling and pushing my hair behind my ear.

"But- but I'm leaving tonight." I tell Harry.

He smiles once again which confuses me, he's supposed to be mad about this. He places his cold hand over my eyes.

"No you're not Lydia, I promise you." And it's like a flash and all I feel is a breeze from the now wide opened window.

He Says I'm His (H.S vampire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now