Part 3

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"Are you actually gonna let her walk away?" Louis questions

"No." I say taking a sip of whiskey. The pain in my chest ignites when I swallow. Then goes away.

"I've waited forever for her to come along, I'm not waiting again." I take another swig.

"Hmm" he nods drinking along with me. "King and Queen Styles went back to London, they hope you will soon join them." Louis says and I nod "I will."

It's quiet for a while, all you hear are the groans of pain after I drink each time.

"I wanted to ask you." Louis starts off his gaze meeting mine "Why?"

I set the glass down "Why what?" I snap, he sighs.

"Why didn't you stop?" I roll my eyes "I don't know." I shrug downing the rest of the glass, the pain so severe I take it out on the glass it self, squeezing it so it breaks. Human products.

"You do know, why didn't you stop?" He presses. Ignoring the fact that I broke a glass cup. I mumble a reply and Louis groans "Why didn't you stop?!" He shouts slamming his hand on the table

"I DIDN'T FUCKING HEAR HER!" I scream back at him and he takes a step back "I didn't hear her when she told me to." I snap, getting up from the chair and knocking it down in the process.

"I don't want to hear you asking me again." A sigh comes pass my lips. Oh Lydia.


"Harry was different. Real different, I mean I didn't know him for long but he was really caring it came off as creepy but once I made that aware to him he stopped I mean-" he cuts me off

"Obviously he wasn't aware Lydia he didn't stop when he..." He stops when I look up at him "I get that he's your mate and all but sometimes they're just not for you."

"What do you mean?" I ask he sighs and lies down on his back on my bed, I still sit Indian style. "I mean Harry is going to corrupt your innocence."

"I'm not..." I go to protest but he opens his eyes and smirks "Yes you are."

"Besides the king always has two mates." He says groggily, I don't hide the surprise  "What do you mean two mates?" I question suddenly angry

"The king has two mates he gets to choose one. Harry's father had two and chose Harry's mother, apparently she was the most beautiful compared to the other girl." I nod, Harry didn't tell me this "Don't confuse yourself on this Lydia, a vampire has only one mate but they don't always love them they can love someone else and call them their mate. That only goes for the royals though."

I take in what he says "So I'm..."

"You're his mate." I nod taking it in, I don't want Harry to love someone else. "And Jocelyn?..." I ask him. His fist clench "A girl I fell in love with." My eyes widen again "Jocelyn isn't your-"

"Mate, No."

"I called her that, I mean I thought she was at the time I was so in love with her. I know now she isn't though. The pull would've been much stronger and besides I didn't see our future together in her eyes so that should've been a clue."

"Wait seeing your future? What else don't I know?" I sigh falling back laying next to Liam. He chuckles "A lot but that's another story." He clears his throat and gets off the bed "I better go." I nod and he smiles

So Harry has the choice of staying with me and finding someone else, I don't know how I feel about that yet. And how do I know if he's telling me the full truth for all I know I couldn't be the mate, he can just claim I am like Liam did Jocelyn. Even if I am the mate what if he finds someone else, who would he choose?

"Lydia." Liam's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "If it makes you feel any better the royals usually choose their mates, The king chose his mate." He gives me a little smile and leaves through the bedroom window.


I know it's short but I wanted to give you all something instead of nothing😭😭

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