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"You are kidding right?" Jocelyn laughs "What in the the world makes you think that Lydia will be living with you at all?" She scoffs

My dad doesn't say anything. Except he holds his chest. I know what that means.

I'm pretending I didn't hear that...

I move away from Harry. I don't agree with him. I want to stay with my family as long as I could actually. I really like Harry but if I'm going to go to England with him soon I should be spending time with my family regardless of how they make me feel.

"Come on Lydia lets go." Emmanuel attempts to grab my hand but Harry steps in front of me again. "I wasn't asking you." Harry says "I'm telling you." His eyes avert to my parents own

"Harry I don't want to stay here." I mumble. Upon my words Harry turns around to face me.

"And why not my little girl?" He bends down to my level. "Wouldn't you have fun staying with me? I can drop you off to school, and then after I'll pick you up and you can visit your family... With me of course and then we will go right back home." He says.

Harry caresses my cheek, like I'm some baby. I'm not a baby. "What do you say now?" He looks deeply into my eyes. I see them change into a different color. I think about it and yet I still don't want to. "Harry I-"

"Listen Lydia, you want to live with me." He squeezes my hands tight so I won't move. And he stares deeply into my eyes.

"No Harry!" I snap harshly pulling away. "Don't freaking hypnotize me!" I shout.

"It's not hypnotizing. It's compelling" Harry sighs standing up to his feet.

"Why were you going to compel me." I tell him walking further away. "I don't like that Harry." I seethe

"I don't want to live with you. I want to go to my family." He gives me an angry look running his hand through his hair. After a moment he sighs. He rubs his hand over his face, "If that's what you want but I won't hesitate to..." before he finishes his sentence I engulf him in a hug. Shutting him up from continuing his sentence.

He chuckles then wraps his arm around my waist. He's fooled alright. "Thank you" I tell him "For caring" I whisper before pulling away but he keeps me in his embrace "Of course my darling" He whispers in my ear as he pulls me closer to him.

"Lydia!" My dad shouts. I quickly turn around facing him. "Vamonos!" My two wrist is being pulled by both Jocelyn and Emanuel.


"How dare he!"

"Who does he think he is?!"

"I think Lydia should stay with me," my dad mimics

"Pfft yeah right." He says afterwards

Everyone mumbles under there breathes as we enter the house.

"Lydia go straight to your room." My dad snaps

Nodding I walk up the stairs to my room. They all stay downstairs, whispering and talking is heard. "What did I get myself into?" I mumble wiping the tears from my face

I head to the showers.

When I get out I don't hear them talking anymore. Jocelyn is laying on my bed.

I guess I'm take the couch... sighing I take a blanket with me and I head down the stairs. I find myself on the couch and I toss and turn due to the roughness of the cushion.


I hadn't realized I fell asleep. "She's up." Someone announces, my eyes immediately open taking in my surroundings. I'm in a car. My dads car. "What's going on?" I question as I look at everyone. My mom rides shotgun, she doesn't look at me not once. "Why aren't any of you answering me?" I question again.

Jocelyn gives me a sympathetic look. "We are going to the next town." She says

"Remember we talked about it." Emanuel says. I shake my head confusion filling me along with worry and maybe fear. "But-but how did you-"

"We didn't want you to know about it in case you wanted to protest." My dad says. Still looking at the road ahead. It looks like we are approaching a barrier of some sort. What the heck?

"I thought that you couldn't do that because Harry-"

"Forget about Harry!" My mother shouts, making me jump in my seat along with Jocelyn.

"We are leaving that behind ok." She adds shifting in her seat.

I don't say anything for a while. Instead I take in everything. I'm still wearing pajamas, it's just that I now have on a coat and some sneakers on my feet. And my book bag on my lap.

Harry is gonna find out. He knows everything. That's what I'm mainly worried about. What will he do? How will he react?

"We're here." My dad calls as he stops at a gate.

"License and registration." The old guy says staring into the truck. My dad opens the glove compartment and takes out his license and registration papers.

"Is anyone in the car marked or bonded?" He asks my father. Staring him deathly in the eye.

"No" my dad immediately says looking through the rear view mirror. "None of us are."


"Alright just go on keep driving and stay to the right." He snaps

My dad nods and the guy lifts up the bar for us.

"Welcome to Adonia" the sign reads

Adonia? It sounds familiar.

"Do you know where this place is?" I ask Jocelyn. She shrugs ignoring me completely

"STOP!" Someone yells and my dad steps harshly on the brake. The guard from the gate comes to my fathers window.

"I need everyone to get out the car." He says sternly

"Wait... wh-" my dad starts

"Now." The guard says

My father nods in the rear view and the doors open. Jocelyn steps out then I do. Emanuel gets out from the other side. "What's going on?" Jocelyn whispers to Emanuel and he shrugs.

Now everyone is out the car.

"Is anyone marked or bonded?" The security guard ask for the second time tonight.

"No" my mother says "My husband told you that already."

The guard gives all of us a look. "Which one of you is Jocelyn Sanchez?"

All our heads snap to Jocelyn. "That- that's me" she stutters "Jocelyn Sanchez you cannot enter Adonia." He comes walking up to her and my father stands in front of her.

Jocelyn is marked?

"I think you've made a mistake." My dad attempts to reason with the guard.

Jocelyn cries. Her shoulders shake as she sobs.

He sighs about to speak but a phone rings.

It's coming from the car. Curious I peek through the car window. My book bag?

The man continues to talk to my parents as they argue and my mom says it's a huge misunderstanding. Did the boy she was talking about mark her?

Once I take my book bag I open the side pocket. The ringing stops. But immediately picks up again. I take the phone and I answer it, not caring about the number.




Sorry for the long wait and shitty chapter. 😭

It gets better😁

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