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My leg bounces under the table as I wait outside of the parlor door. I'm nervous, to say the least. "Have a drink she'll be out soon." The elderly man who works with Saiorse tells me. He waves me over to the barstool but I shake my head. I need to be there with her. I nod towards the parlor door. He hums "That bad huh?" I bite my lip looking at the door once again. She placed a spell upon it no vampire or witch kind alike can hear anything going on in that room.

"Drink up." I turn towards the elderly man. "Thanks." I down it in one shot and he chuckles. "Young love eh.." he sighs "I remember wanting someone that wasn't mine, we went to the very same place like this to get her mates mark removed." I guess he can sense my reaction to this "You sure you don't want to sit?" I rub at the back of my neck.

"Yeah sure." I'll be right down this hall Lydia. I know she can't hear me but still, I would like to think she can. "Beer please." I rub at my now growing beard. I need to get this shit cut. "Like I was saying... I loved her dearly and she loved me too. But her mate was a weird little fellow-" he places the drink in front of me and takes a seat behind the bar. "I was what do you say... someone who could definitely take care of her and well her mate was some good for nothing vampire." He drinks from his glass "You see my mate was a witch." I ears perk up at this "What- that's..." he hums "Impossible." I finish

Making him shake his head "Rare not impossible. Anyways witches have this thing where they won't associate themselves with anyone who didn't match them supernatural wise." I look towards the door again. "She's fine I can assure you of that."

"Her mate was a vampire and so was I, I was powerful amongst my city... my family was at least." He smirks causing me to laugh "The weird fellow was desperate for love as he was not your popular vampire. He grew obsessed, over my birdie, and often times I found myself fighting many people over her." He noticed my confused stare. "This vampire came from a rich family and his father hired men to kill me." My eyes widen. "Of course my family was well known for being ruthless so I never held back... I guess you could say that was my mistake because I ended up losing these. He points to his eyes. I clear my throat actually finally looking at them.

"You lost your eyesight over a woman?" I can see the angry face he makes as he turns around to make another drink. "I loved her, I still do... I'd die for my birdie." I grimace.

It could never be me.

"You say that now boy." He turns to face me.

"Is it true about what they say?" His forehead creases "Losing one sense for a vampire enhances the others." I remember talking about it when I was little I never got the answer.

He laughs hard at this one "It's true yes. The sense of smell, taste, and hearing is just way more than we were already born with. It was overwhelming at first but my birdie helped me with it."


"That's what I call her." He reads my mind "We took her to a place like this to remove a mark-"

"Wait..." I stop him, "How did she get marked?" He sighs. "When my eyes were ripped out, everything was different for me, I couldn't adjust instantly. I didn't understand the noises or smells. They took that as an advantage and the fellow marked my birdie right in front of me. Her screams are all I heard. I still hear them at night. Still haunts me centuries later."

I don't know what to say. That's any mates worse nightmare. "Sorry," I say downing the rest of my beer. "It's alright kiddo." He smiles at me brightly. "Her mother removed her mark for us and we've been together ever since. We moved far away from that place and we have three gorgeous children." My eyes widen "Children? Vampires and witches together." He nods "Indeed, a weird but beautiful mix."

He Says I'm His (H.S vampire fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant