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"I'm trying!" I shout at them. This is a lot harder then it looks. "Left foot on green!" Emanuel shouts back "Your not even in a bad position." He groans

I know he regrets being the one to control the board but he doesn't have to yell at me. "My thighs." My mother cries out as she falls to the floor, knocking me down in the process. A big hearty laugh is heard after the fall. My father. "Hey what a coincidence your left foot landed on green." Emanuel laughs

I glare at him from the mat, "I'm going to bed." I say getting up and they all boo at me. "Come on Lydia, this is the most fun we've had since we got to this place. And I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that wants a distraction from those guys outside." Jocelyn says

I sigh looking up at her, her older figure stares down at me... disappointed. "Your right, I'm sorry it's just I have a lot on my mind." I say immediately thinking about Harry. Is he ok? Is he coming? Will-

A hand on my shoulder stops my train of thought "Relax" My mom says "We will get out of here, alive and well." She squeezes my shoulder and I nod my head in agreement "I guess" walking away I head to the bedroom.

I gave up so easy earlier, I need to try again, I owe it to myself, I owe it to him. Once I know that they started playing twister again without me I take a seat on the floor. "Alright Lydia you can do this just take a deep breath." I whisper to myself.

"Harry." I say, silence follows "Harry can you hear me." I call out. No answer, complete silence except the occasional shouting in the next room. "I don't know what I'm doing." I sigh holding my head in my hands

"He's tasted my blood." I say to myself

Did I have to drink his in order for this to work? "Uggh" I shake my head in disgust.

"I might as well take a shower" I say heading for the door, but I stop in my tracks when I hear an ear piercing scream

"Leave us alone!" Jocelyn shouts. Immediately my hand moves away from the door knob

I flinch at the gunshot that follows

"That was a warning shot." An unknown voice says "Rally up the rest of the family and bring them to the hall." The man continues crashes are heard to and my mother shouts

I don't hear any one speak after that but I hear the sobs from Jocelyn and my mother. Where's my dad? Emanuel?

Grandma and gramps went to a friends tonight and I just hope they didn't come back early. Heavy footsteps stop my train of thought.

My heart races as I hurry up to find a hiding place. The knob turns and before I know I find myself under the bed. When the man harshly comes in I place my hand over my mouth to silence my harsh breathing. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty." The man sings. He laughs looking around the small room. I just pray he doesn't look under the bed.

Peeking I see that he looks through the drawers and finds Jocelyn's underwear. He smirks and inhales the scent. My ears aren't stoping and my hand is still placed over my mouth. He places the underwear in his pocket and he takes a step forward to the bed. I shift quietly and quickly.

My breathing gets heavier as he bends down to look under the bed. "Greg!" The other man shouts, stopping him in his tracks.

"You found the other one?" The guy in the other room ask and Greg steps away from the bed, making me exhale in relief "No! Probably with Ed!" He yells back mentioning my grandpas friend, the guy gramps and gran are staying at. "Yeah your probably right, let's go, the rest of them are in the hall. We're gonna be the new saviors in this town." He says and the footsteps fade as they walk farther away. I take my hand away from my mouth but I don't move from under the bed until I hear a door slam.

As soon as I hear that door slam I book it to the living room. I see everything on the floor broken and dismantled. I look around for anything that can be of use to me. I spot my fathers phone in the table and run straight to it.

Immediately scrolling straight in the contacts to call my grandfather, hopefully they're safe. I make my way down to 'T'

My eyes do a double take on the 'H' contacts. Did I just see what I think I did? Under 'H' it says Harold, Harold being the only person under H. Is this Harry's phone number? Did my dad get his number?

Shaking I press the contact and I place it to my ear. It rings but there's no answer. Going straight to voicemail I curse at this and I go to 'T' to find my grandfather

Going to press on my grandfathers number. The phone starts ringing 'Harold'

I answer it immediately "Jeremy! You called! I'm on my way to Adonia as we speak. Is Lydia alright? I feel that she's in some sort of pain." Harry speaks through the phone he sounds relieved

I cry at the sound of his voice

"Harry!..." I sob "I don't know what to do." I hiccup

"Lydia! Oh baby everything is going to be ok, I promise you. Where's Jeremy?" He asks for my father

"The people they-they took him and Jocelyn and Emanuel... my mother to. They know someone is mated to you." I say "They came in with guns."

"Fuck." He curses "Are you alright darling where are you exactly? Why didn't they take you?" He questions  "I'm fine, I was..."

The phone gets snatched out of my hand and thrown to the floor. I gasp turning around to face the person. He looks young, brown hair and hazel eyes. He is very tall, handsome at that. The all black he wears makes him look a little older though

Hesitantly I back away from him, he just tilts his head in response.

I make a break for it but almost immediately he is right in front of me. "You're - you're a vampire." I stutter

He smirks "That I am." His voice is smooth, he's British.

He steps closer to me. He pushes my hair out of my face "You will do what I tell you, go into a quiet slumber." His voice sounds so velvety and smooth

My knees get weak and he is quick to capture me. Sleep is taking over, the sudden feeling of exhaustion hits me like a truck.

"It's so crazy." He says as he lays me down onto the couch

"You look exactly like her." He caresses my cheek and my eyes close at his soft touch "Who are you?" I mumble trying to stay awake but the compulsion is strong and I just can't keep my eyes opened

I hear him answer though before I fall into that deep slumber

"They call me Payne"




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