Chapter 6

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"Guys, this game is getting boring," Johnny stretches his muscular arms and places them behind his head.

The bottle that Davey spun lands on Sharon. She crosses her arms, and shakes her head, "No. No. I refuse. I have a boyfriend, and unlike somebody, I'm not going to go into the closet with someone besides them."

She gives me and Louis a glare.

"Look, Sharon, I told you, we didn't do anything," He tries to tell her for the fiftieth time.

We didn't do anything, but he sure tried to. I don't know what's up with him tonight, because he's not normally like this.

"Hey, Johnny," Paulette croons, "Do you want to go somewhere else?" She traces her red nails up his chest.

Johnny glances at Stephanie, who is busy picking at her nail polish. She doesn't even look up. Johnny gets this determined look on his face and says, "Yeah, let's go."

Paulette grins widely as he hooks his arms around hers and exits Rhonda's room.

"That's a good idea," Goose mumbles to Rhonda and they leave, too.

Stephanie looks up, "Wait, where's everyone going?"

"To have sex," I say bluntly.

"Well, I'm going to get something to drink and maybe relax downstairs. Anyone wanna join me?" She stands up and smooths out her top.

"I will!" Davey gets up.

"I think we will, too," Sharon gets up and looks at Louis, "C'mon, let's go."

"I'm not hungry," He tells her, looking at me and then back up at her.

"You don't have to eat anything, we're gonna relax downstairs," She tells him. You can practically here the pleading in her voice.

"Why don'tcha stick up here with us?" He asks.

"Because... because... I wanna hang out with you..."

Even I can see that she's about to cry and I bet he can tell, too.

I can't stand to see her like that.

We both stand up and say simultaneously, "I'll go," We both look at each other and smile a little.

Louis grabs Sharon's hands with his own huge ones, "C'mon," And smiles at her.

I begin to wonder what happened back in the closet. The way he's acting... it wasn't the same as now. I guess he was trying to just get some kicks in the closet, seeing as Sharon won't let him. It was only a game...

By midnight, everyone's asleep. Except me. Am I the only one who stays up late on the weekends?! Plus, I can't sleep if I'm still wearing the jeans I had on today. Maybe I should go up to Rhonda's room change.

I try to quietly stand up and go, and I almost manage to get to the stairs when I hear someone shift. I freeze.

"Chloe?" Someone whispers.

"Uhh... yeah?"

"What are you doin'?" It's Louis. Definitely Louis. I can tell by the voice.





"What is this, twenty questions?" I whisper-yell. I could be upstairs by now.

"I'll come with you," I can see his dark figure get to his feet.

"Suit yourself," I turn. I don't wait for him and I go upstairs and into Rhonda's room.

"So what are you doing up here?" He says, laying back on Rhonda's pink bedspread.

"I was going to change," I say.

"Okay," He stares at me.

"My clothes," Can't he take a hint?!


"Aren't you gonna turn around?!" Seriously!

"Mmmm," He makes a face like he's pondering the question, "Nah."

"Louis, seriously, turn around," I go over to the bed. Placing my hands underneath his body, I use all my body strength to flip him over.

"Ooooh, damn, girl. I didn't know you had so much muscle in those pretty arms of yours," He flips himself back over, propping himself up on his elbows.

"I could do without that."

"Without what?" He raises his eyebrows.

"'You're too attractive to be using that kind of language,'" I say, mimicking his accent, remembering the night from the bowling alley.

"I don't know what you're talking about," He looks amused.

"Screw you, DiMucci," I say, "I just want to change."

He smiles at me. I start to get frustrated.

"Will you get out?!"

He sticks his tongue out at me.

"You are so immature, Louis, I swear," I take my top off and I throw it at his face. He quickly pulls it away and stares at me, again.

I rummage through Rhonda's drawers to find a night shirt and a pair of shorts, "Stop staring," I comment offhandedly. He doesn't say anything but I can still feel him watching my every move.

I slide my jeans off, and pull on Rhonda's clothes. Thank God we wear the same size.

"You could definitely do with that more often," He winks.

"Oh, God," I groan and fall back beside him on the bed.

He flips over to his side, "I'd like to formattly apologize for coming at you like that earlier. Ya know, in the closet?"

"You mean formally?"

"Eh, same thing. But I am sorry. I must look like a big dick, seeing as I'm dating Sharon and everything. But I really do like her."

I look into his brown eyes. He seems sincere, "It's okay, Louis. Like you said, it's just a game, right?"

"Right," He smiles.

1961 // louis dimucciWhere stories live. Discover now