Chapter 8

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Davey spins his turn with the bottle.

"Guys, this game is getting boring," Johnny stretches, and I watch Paulette stare wide-eyed at his large arms. 

The bottle stops right in front of Sharon. Oh, this is going to be good. She shakes her head and crosses her arms, "No. No. I refuse. I have a boyfriend, and unlike somebody, I'm not going to go into the closet with someone besides them." She gives me an icy glare.

"Look, Sharon, I told you, we didn't do anything," I try to explain this to her but it won't work. She'll probably be mad all night. I told her a gazillion times that we didn't do anything, but to no avail.

"Hey, Johnny," Paulette places her long nails on Johnny's chest, "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

"Yeah, let's go," He links his arm with hers and they leave. I wonder if they're going actually go all the way or not. Johnny may be the ladies' man, and Paulette may be willing, but he's been stuck on Steph ever since they broke up. Don't ask me why they broke up though, because no one knows.

Goose ducks his head and whispers to Rhonda, "That's a good idea," and they follow the pattern, holding hands and leaving.

"Wait, where's everyone going?" Steph, who was previously transfixed with her nail polish, looks up.

"To have sex," Chloe says. Nice way to put it. I smile.

"Well," Steph hauls herself up, "I'm going to go get something to drink and maybe relax downstairs. Anyone wanna join me?"

"I will!" Davey stands up.

"I think we will, too," We? Sharon stands up, "C'mon, let's go."

"I'm not hungry," I say. I glance at Chloe. I hope she doesn't think Sharon controls me.

"You don't have to eat anything, we're gonna relax downstairs," She pleads.

"Why don'tcha stick up here with us?" I ask. If I comply, Chloe will think I'm whipped. And I'm not!

"Because... because..." Her eyes start to cloud and her lip begins to quiver, "I wanna hang out with you..."

I don't want her to cry! I stand up, "I'll go," Chloe and I both say at the same time. I give her a small smile.

I lace my fingers with Sharon's, "C'mon."

I'm sound asleep till I hear footsteps above me. I roll over and see that Chloe is walking towards the staircase.


"Uhh..." She freezes, "Yeah?"

"What are you doin'?" What the hell is she doing?





"What is this, twenty questions?" She yells at me, quietly.

"I'll come with you," I stand up, careful not to wake up anyone.

"Suit yourself," She continues up the steps, and I can't help but check out her butt as she walks.

"So what are you doing up here," I ask as I reach Rhonda's room, laying on my back on the pink blanket.

"I was going to change," She tells me.


"My clothes."


"Aren't you gonna turn around?!"

"Mmmm," Why would I turn around? "Nah."

"Louis, seriously," She walks over to the bed, "Turn around," She puts her tiny hands underneath my back and somehow she manages to flip me over onto my stomach.

"Ooooh, damn, girl, I didn't know you had so much muscle in those pretty arms of yours," I flip onto my back again, propping myself up with my elbows.

"I could do without that."

"Without what?" I raise my eyebrows. What is she talking about?

"You're too attractive to be using that kind of language," She says and I flashback to the night of the bowling alley.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I smile, even though I clearly know.

"Screw you, DiMucci. I just want to change," She starts to get angry. Oooh, fiesty Chloe. I'm liking it.

I stick my tongue out. Let's see what she does now.

"You are so immature, I swear," She takes off her top and throws it at my face. I move it as fast as I can and rake my eyes down her body. She's still got her pants on, but holy shit, she is hot.

She turns around and goes through Rhonda's dresser and pulls out some pajamas. I can't take my eyes off of her.

"Stop staring," She says and I don't do anything. I just watch her.

She pulls her pants down and I almost groan, but I catch myself. Fucking hell...

"You could definitely do with that more often," I wink at her. 

"Oh, God," She groans and lays on her back beside me.

She probably thinks I'm unfaithful with Sharon... I don't want her thinking that. I flip over onto my side, "I'd like to formattly apologize for coming at you like that earlier. Ya know, in the closet?" Of course she knows, DiMucci. I'm so stupid.

"You mean formally?"

So stupid.

"Eh, same thing. But I am sorry. I must look like a big dick, seeing as I'm dating Sharon and everything. But I really do like her."

She stares at me for a moment and I start to get nervous until she says, "It's okay, Louis. Like you said, it's just a game, right?"

I grin, "Right."

She's one cool chick.

1961 // louis dimucciTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang