Chapter 29

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It's been about four days since Chloe and I... well, for lack of a better term, fucked.

We've been acting like it didn't happen but I can't help but picture her with her clothes off every time I see her. Some images you just can't erase, no matter how much I try (not like I actually try to unsee them).

We've both been pretending as if life's back to normal, but it's not. The main reason is that Michael isn't tagging along with us anymore.

Chloe and Michael "broke up" the day after "it" happened. I don't know if they were actually dating, but it's definitely over, whatever it was.

I can't say I wasn't glad when Rhonda told Goose that Chloe and Michael were officially over. I was getting tired of seeing that stupid grin on his face 24/7.

The whole subject is very secretive, though. No one knows the details, not even Rhonda. Chloe had said that it was a "mute you all" decision, whatever the hell that means. Goose says he thinks Michael ended it first. No one knows, but no one dares to bring it up.

"So," I slide in the seat beside her in Biology, before Rhonda or anyone else arrived, "How about you and I go get a burger or something tonight? I -"

"Louis, I... I don't know. I just can't do this with you," She mumbles, "You've got a girlfriend."

"Did you tell Michael?" I blurt out, the idea popping into my mind, "Because you guys broke up right after we-"

She interrupts me again, "No, there was... um," She clears her throat and sits up straighter, her eyes fixed at a point behind me, "Another reason."

I turn around, but all I see is Steph walking in, chewing her gum.

"Well, what was the reason?"

"I don't really want to talk about this right now, Louis."

"Oh, okay," I furrow my eyebrows together. What could be the reason?! "Um, are you okay, though? You've been kind of quiet lately..."

"Yeah, no, I've just been thinking."

"That's never good."

She smiles at me, "No, I suppose not."

"What about?"


"What have you been thinking about?"

"Lotsa stuff," She says and then I hear Davey laughing outside the doorway.

I quickly stand up, popping the collar on my jacket, and I make my way to my seat.

After Biology, as I'm laughing with Johnny, I feel a petite hand slip into my back pocket and then pull out just as fast. I spin around and see no one, but when I face forward again, Chloe's facing me, walking backwards.

I give her a puzzled look, and she just grins, making a gesture to her pocket, then opening her hands like they were a book.

"Read it," She mouths and spins around, running off to the girls.

I place my hand on my back pocket, and I hear the crumpling sound of paper. I grin to myself as I pull it out, opening it to read.

In big cursive pen, it reads, "Louis, I've reconsidered. Burgers, tonight, 7? I'll be waiting."

1961 // louis dimucciWhere stories live. Discover now