Chapter 7

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So, we crash Rhonda's sleepover with the girls, and we end up playing Seven Minutes in Heaven. I don't even know how that happened.

Goose and Rhonda go first, and he gets to second base. I'm jealous. It takes me an hour just to get Sharon to make out with me. Don't get me wrong, I love Sharon. But a guy needs a little action once in a while, ya know? So when Goose's spin lands on me, I admit, I prayed to the Seven Minutes in Heaven gods to let me get a girl who'd want to have a fun time.

I spin the bottle and it almost lands on Sharon but it finally slows to Chloe. I'm not gonna lie, if I wasn't dating Sharon, I'd hop on that train like it was pulling out of the station. She's got these big blue eyes and this beautiful red-brown hair that ends just below her shoulders.

I ignore Sharon's glare as I hold out my hand for Chloe. She cautiously takes it, eyeing Sharon, and follows me to Rhonda's closet. Rhonda really needs to clean out her closet, I can barely even see Chloe.

"Seven minutes, huh?" She says nervously, leaning her weight on a rack of Rhonda's sweaters.

"Mhm..." I say. I'm conflicted with whether or not I should try anything. Is it cheating if its a game?

"Let's don't and say we did," She says out of nowhere.

"How about let's do and say we don't?" I counter.

"Are you trying to get in my pants or something? Because you've got Sharon for that," She backs farther into Rhonda's shirts, but doesn't get very far because it's so cluttered in here.

I laugh. I don't want to do her or anything, I just want to see how far she'll let me go, "You know she'd never let me near pants."


"Look," I say, "You don't have to kiss me if you don't want to. I just thought since we were playing a game, you wouldn't care," I inch closer. She's always been stubborn, and once she sets her mind on something, like not kissing me, she'll always stick to her plan.

"I don't care about kissing you," Oh? So she does want to kiss me! "I care about Sharon."

"Yeah, I care about Sharon, too, but she knows it's just a game," I explain.

"Didn't look like it..." She reminds me of Sharon's angry look.

"Okay, okay, fine," I say. She's definitely not going to do anything, "We can just stand here for the next five minutes."

"Okay," She crosses her arms and looks away from me, but I can't stop looking at her, studying every detail of her face.



"It's just a game, right?" She asks. She leans forward and our lips almost touch but she turns away.

"What?!" I shout. I knew it was too good to be true.

"Sorry," She gets a little smirk on her face, "Not feeling it," She reaches for the door handle but I grab her waist and pull her back towards me. I don't even know why I did it, but my instincts told me to.

"Don't play games, Chloe," I whisper in her ear. She squirms out of my hold on her and bolts out of the closet.

A stubborn one, that kid is.

1961 // louis dimucciWhere stories live. Discover now