Chapter 23

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"We're finally in the talent show!" Sharon squeals as we exit the auditorium.

"Woo," I say, unenthusiastically.

"You could at least pretend to be excited," Sharon tells me.

"Yay!" I mock Sharon, squealing and clapping my hands.

"Why do you always have to be so-"

"So, Chloe," Rhonda interrupts her, "How was your date with Michael last night?"

I smile to myself. Michael and I have been hanging out constantly since the fight last week. Yesterday, I hung out with Michael, but I don't think it counts as a date. He had just finished Davey's essay on Reproduction and got enough money to buy a used cycle. He took me to the garage and I helped him fix it up. It's not finished yet, but it's a work in progress. I'm not sure if he still wants to learn how to ride for Stephanie, but I've just pushed any thoughts of Steph out of my mind. Same with Louis. I haven't spoken to him since what he did.

"Dirty," I tell them.

"Ooh," Paulette winks.

I meant dirty as in greasy, not including the quick make out session before he dropped me off at my house, but I'm not going to correct her.

"Hey, girls," The Birds are waiting for us by Rhonda's car, Louis leaning on the pink hood.

"Hey," Paulette grins at Johnny. He winks at her and she runs up and settles under his arms. He's staring at Steph the whole time.

"So what are our plans for tonight?" Sharon asks.

"I was thinkin' the drive-in," Goose gives Rhonda a suggestive look.

Rhonda grins and jumps on top of the hood of her car.

"Yeah! That sounds like fun," Sharon exclaims and Louis gets a hopeful look on his face, "There's this movie I've been wanting to see!"

"Aw, Sharon," He groans, "Everyone knows that you don't watch the movie at a drive-in!"

"How're you guys even gonna do anything without a car?" I ask them. You can't get down and dirty on the back of a cycle.

"Sharon can take my car," Steph volunteers.

"What?! What are you gonna drive?" Johnny exclaims.

"I'm not going," She shrugs her shoulders.

"Why not?!" His eye bug out.

"Why does it matter?!" Paulette shoves herself away from Johnny.

"Aw, shut up, both of youse," Goose says, "Paulette, Johnny, what are you two gonna ride in?"

"They can carpool with us!" Sharon raises her hand.

Louis groans again and puts his face in his hands.

"Dolores and I can just take my cycle and we can hang out by the food stands," Davey adds.

"What about you, Chloe? You wanna ride with me and Goose?" Rhonda asks me and Goose shoots her a look, but she doesn't pay attention to it.

There's no way I'm third wheeling with those two sex addicts.

"Michael has a car," I point out.

"You're takin' Shakespeare?!" Louis straightens up, shouting.

Sharon smacks him on the chest.

"So, everything's planned out. Sound good?" Everyone nods, except for Louis, "Great."

"I don't even know what movie's playing," Michael says as pulls into the parking space.

"Does it matter?" I wink at him.

"Guess not," He smiles and turns the ignition off.

Suddenly, a car rumbles up beside us.

"C'mon, Johnny, let's go get some popcorn!" I hear Paulette's voice.

Shit. Louis is in that car. I try to lean down into the seat as far as I can before he sees me-

"Hey, it's Chloe and Michael!" Sharon shouts and points at us.

"Hey," I wave, plastering on a smile.

"Hello," Michael grins, wrapping an arm around me. I watch as Louis's face turns to stone and he turns to face the movie screen.

"Let's just watch the movie," He tells Sharon.

About fifteen minutes into the movie, I start to get bored, and apparently so does Michael. He starts to kiss down my neck. I stifle a moan. The windows are open and I don't want Louis to hear.

My lips find his and within minutes, my head's leaning back against the window and he's propping his body above me.

His hands begin to travel up my top and when they reach the top of my bra, he groans and brings his lips back underneath my jawline.

"Ow! Louis! What are you doing?!"

Michael and I both pop our heads up to find Sharon sitting with her arms crossed, as far away from Louis as she possible can sit.

I glance in the back and see no sign of Paulette or Johnny. They're probably making out. Or arguing. Who knows?

"Um," I sit up and fluff my hair, "I'm gonna get somethin' to drink, okay?"

"Yeah, sure," Michael runs his hands through his hair, and then pulls out his wallet, "Here, go crazy."

"Thanks," I straighten my shirt and check my hair in the mirror before leaving to go to the food stands.

"That's going to be tricky to cover up tomorrow," Someone places two fingers on my neck as I'm waiting for my pop.

I jump and spin around to find Louis hovering over me, "God, can't you find someone else to scare the crap out of?" I self-consciously cover the spot on my neck. I have no doubt there's a hickey there.

"Here you go, miss," A tall man, about fifty with grey hair and thick glasses hands me the drinks and I give him the money.

"Keep the change," I smile at him and shove Michael's wallet into the pocket of my pink satin jacket.

I start to walk away but Louis trails behind me.

"Why are you following me?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I thought we could talk."

"There's nothing to talk about!" I spin around and start to walk away.

"Are you just going to ignore me for the rest of senior year?" He grabs my shoulder, and forcefully spins me around.

"That was my plan," I try to release myself from within his grasp but it's no use.


I laugh, "Screw you, Louis."

"What? Is it because I beat up your little boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh, really? That little mark," He points to my neck, "Would prove otherwise. Maybe you really are a slut!"

In one quick movement, I take both cups and dump them down his outfit, soaking him. He stares down at his clothes in shock.

"And for the record, Michael kicked your ass!" I run away, my heels clicking loudly against the pavement, until I get to Michael's car.

"Hey," He smiles at me and then furrows his eyebrows, "Where are the drinks?"

"Long story," I toss his wallet at him, Now, where were we?"

"Mmm, right about...." He leans into kiss me, "Here."

1961 // louis dimucciМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя