Chapter 15

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"I don't have a swimsuit," I tell Louis as he pulls up onto the beach, "We can't go swimming."

He pulls his jacket off and flings it to the side, "Can, too."'

"What are you doing?" I ask him. 

"I don't know about you," He pulls his white shirt off, "But I'm going swimming." 

He leans over to unbutton his pants and I watch his perfect back muscles move.

Ah, what the hell. You're only young once. 

I pull my sweater over my head and slide down my skirt. I slip off my high heels and toss them aside, and I run into the sea.

The cold water splashes up against my thighs and I scream. Louis follows me into the water, almost knocking me over when he reaches me.

"It's freezing!" I jump up and down, my arms crossed over my chest, trying to stay warm.

"It's not that bad!" He shouts.

"Yes, it is!!"

I squeal when his cold, wet hands touch my arms, yanking me backwards into his arms, my back leaning against his chest.

"See, it's warm," He says and I don't say anything. I just focus on his chest rising and collapsing as he breathes behind me.

I turn around within his grip, his hands now resting on my lower back.

I look up into his eyes and he begins to lean down. Oh God. I know what's going to happen. And I can't let myself do it, no matter how much I want to. Wait? Do I want to?

I turn away, "So..." I chuckle nervously.

We stand in silence for a moment but then Louis brings his hand up and splashes water all over my shoulders.

"Ahh!" I screech, splashing him back.

He holds his arms and shivers, "Gee, it's getting cold out here, don'tcha think?"

"I told you it was cold, Mr. 'It's-so-warm-in-here'!"

"C'mon," He nods his head in the direction of the beach and we run out of the water.

I take off my bra and underwear when he's not looking and slip on my dry clothes.

"Ready?" I ask him as he pulls his pants over his wet underwear.

He looks down at the sand where my undergarments are lying and looks back up with wide eyes, "Are you just going to leave those there?"

"Are you going to leave yours on?" I point to his grey jeans, where a wet spot is now forming

He shrugs his shoulders and I stifle my laughter.

"Why not?"

"Because it looks like you peed yourself!"

"Well, at least I'm not going full commando under there!" He points at my clothes and I cover myself up with my hands, now self-conscious.

"Wait, oh my God," I say, "What time is it?"

"Uhh," He checks his watch, "'Bout six thirty."

"Shit," I mumble. I was supposed to meet the girls at Rhonda's at six to practice! "Can you drop me off at Rhonda's?"

"Uh, yeah, sure?" He jumps onto his bike, "Well, come on!"

We pull up on Rhonda's street at about six fifty.

"Okay, slow down at her neighbour's house," I tell him.

He stops his cycle, "Why?"

"Because," I say bluntly and leap off the vehicle. If the girls hear a motorcycle, then they'll know I was with one of the guys, and seeing as all the guys are currently taken, I can't be hanging out with them alone without it looking like we're on a date.

"Thanks!" I call out behind me as I run up Rhonda's driveway.

"Uh, okay! See ya tomorrow!"

I stop in front of Rhonda's door and try to fluff my hair but it's still partially wet and is stringy from all the saltwater.

I ring the doorbell and smooth my skirt one last time. I'm in for hell as soon as they see me.

"Chloe! Where have you been?!" I hear Sharon screech as soon as the door swings open. I think she might have even been screeching before the door opened. The girls are staring at me from behind Sharon.

"Uh, you know... out," I smile at her and walk inside and up the stairs to Rhonda's bedroom, everyone following me curiously.

"Out where?" Paulette asks, playing with her fingernails.

"And why is your hair all wet?!"

"You know, guys, it's a long story and - Hey, Rhonda," I step inside her bedroom, "Can I borrow, I don't know, a bra? And some underwear?"

"Oh my God!!!!!!"


"What?!" I pull open one of Rhonda's drawers, rifling through all her things till I find some undergarments. While I'm at it, I pull out some pajamas.

"Who are you sleeping with?" Steph asks, sliding the dresser drawer shut, grinning at me.

"Nobody!" I exclaim. I'm not sleeping with anyone! The only person I was with was Louis! And I'm not sleeping with him! I wonder what he'd be like in bed, though...


What is wrong with me?!

"Well, who dropped you off? And don't say it was nobody because we all know you disappeared after school today," Sharon says matter-of-factly.

I start to change into Rhonda's clothes.

"Look, can we just drop it? It's no one."

"It was definitely someone, Chloe," Paulette says.

"C'mon, Chloe, tell us!"

"Yeah! We're not gonna tell no one!"

"Come on!"

"Fine!" I throw my hands up in the air, "Okay, okay! It was..." I look at Sharon. I can't say Louis. She'd have my head.

Hmm. Who can I say? Definitely not any one of the T-Birds. And none of the jocks. I could say Eugene? Nah. They wouldn't believe it. He's gotta be a hottie.



"Michael Carrington?" Steph asks, raising her eyebrows so far I'm afraid they might fall off her forehead. Oops, I forgot that Michael is eternally in love with Stephanie. Well, it's not like she showed any interest in him.

"Uh, yup," I smile, pulling the top of my head and plunking down onto Rhonda's bed.

"Did you guys have sex?" Paulette grins a red-lipped smile.


"Then what happened to your bra?!"

"A little souvenir, perhaps."

"No! Guys! We just hung out!"

"Well, what happened to them?!"

"We went skinny dipping at the beach!" I exclaim. Did I say too much? No... Louis won't say anything to the guys, right? But even if he did... It wouldn't matter. At least... I don't think it would... I thought the T-Bird code was that you always had to have their backs and cover for 'em when it was necessary. But Goose has a big mouth... and he might tell Rhonda. But Rhonda's a good enough friend not to tell anyone.

Why am I even freaking out, anyways?

We just hung out as friends!

1961 // louis dimucciWhere stories live. Discover now