Chapter 18

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"She's gone!" Rhonda runs back, her heels clicking furiously.

"What do you mean she's gone?" I jump up. Where the hell could she have gone?

"Why do you care?" Steph snaps at me.

"Well... I - I... She's my friend."

"Hah!" She laughs, "No friend would call her that."

"Yeah, that was a dick move," Goose gives me an angry look.

I sigh and put my head in my hands. I didn't mean to call her that. Well... I guess I did. But she just made me so mad! She slept with Shakespeare! She skipped lunch to hang out with him, of all people. And by hang out with, I mean fuck.

I thought we were a... I don't even know what we were, to be completely honest, but I didn't think she'd go and do the dirty in the back of someone else's car! Maybe I should get a car so we could do... Wait. No, I'm dating Sharon.

"We gotta go find her," Sharon pulls on her Pink Ladies jacket.

"Hey, what about the game?" Johnny asks and the girls give him a glare that was previously directed at me.

"See ya later, Goose," Rhonda kisses him on the cheek.

"Good luck," He says as the girls leave.

I take a deep breath, "Let's get outta here, huh?"

We all ride to Johnny's house. There's not really much to do there, but his ma is nice and brings up food all the time. I think everyone prefers Rhonda's house, though.

"So, Dolores keeps calling me and asking me out on dates," Davey says, and I look out Johnny's window, "But I don't know what to do! She's so young!"

"I say you go for it," Johnny says, lighting his cigarette.

I see someone move in the neighbouring house's window. Squinting my eyes, I see that it's... Michael? What? Johnny didn't say they were neighbours!

He's shirtless?

Wait... He's with someone.... I jump up and stand closer to the window.

Is that...?


Oh my God. It's Chloe.

And they're making out. His hands are up her shirt!

What the hell!?

"Louis? What are you looking at?" Goose asks me from his seat on Johnny's floor.

"Fuck," I whisper, and look out the window again. They're gone.

"Okay..." Goose gives me a funny look and directs his attention back to Davey, who is continuing to talk about Dolores.

"Louis?" Goose asks again, "Why are you staring out the window?"

"Sorry," I say, "I-I need to get some air or something..." I tell him, ignoring the weird faces they're making at me and I make my way downstairs and out the door.

I sit on the pavement, playing with the rocks beside my feet.

I'm so stupid. I can't believe I actually thought me and her were, well, I don't know, a thing or something. But... Sharon and I are a thing.

But I don't get like this over Sharon...

"Goddammit!" I shout, throwing a rock, hitting the lamp post.

Why does this happen? Why the hell did that dumb British kid have to come here? He's messing everything up.

1961 // louis dimucciWhere stories live. Discover now