Chapter 9

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"C'mon, guys!" Sharon begs, "We need people to opens the doors!"

"No! I refuse!" Louis crosses his arms.

It's 3rd period, Biology, and Sharon's begging some of the Birds to help her with the talent show.

"But guys, we need help!" 

"As I recall," Goose says, "You guys told us you were going to beat us."

"And," Johnny says, "In the words of Rhonda, we don't 'flaternize with enemy.'"

"Fraternize," Rhonda corrects him. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Pleaaaaaaaaase!" Sharon pleads.

"No!" Davey shouts.

"Shh!!" Mr. Stuart, the substitute for Mr. Spears, yells.

"If we win," Rhonda begins.

"Which you won't!" Louis points out. We're going to show them. 

"As I was saying, if we win, which we will, you can have all the Roy Orbisons," Rhonda winks at Goose.

He gasps, "Johnny, all the Roy Orbisons! Let's do it!"

"Goose!" Johnny smacks him on the chest.

"But Johnny..." Goose looks back at us and then lowers his voice, "If we don't win, it could only be to them, and that's a guaranteed that I can get the Roy Orbisons."

"Okay," He says, "If we help, then we get half of the albums. Deal?"

"No!" I shout. There are some good albums we could win, and I don't want them stealing half, seeing as we already have to split them between us five.

"Deal!" Sharon squeals, "Yay! I'm so excited!"

"So, what are we even doing?" Johnny asks.

"Well... I only need two of you."

"Not it!" Johnny and Goose both shout at the same time.

Davey and Louis look at each other.

"Dang it..." Louis groans.

"Okay, so the auditions are next week and I've already got the costumes designed!" Sharon gushes about the only thing she's been talking about all week, "And I got some of the props built, and the song's already written and you boys have to wear costumes, too!"


"And Rhonda's having another sleepover at her house Friday night, A.K.A, TOMORROW NIGHT, so you guys better show up to practice!"

"What do we need to practice? Aren't we just openin' doors?"

"There's an art to opening doors, Louis."

I tune them out, just as I tune Mr. Stuart and every other teacher out.

Friday night rolls around and so does the boring practice.

"I'll be your girl for all seasons, all the year through," I sing, distracted by a painting on Rhonda's wall. It's actually a very interesting painting, it has-

"Chloe!" Sharon shout at me.


"You missed your cue! You were supposed to exit with Rhonda!"

"Gee, I'm sorry," I say sarcastically.

"Now we have to do it all over again!"

"No!" Everyone groans. We've been going over "Girl for All Seasons" for three and a half hours now.

1961 // louis dimucciWhere stories live. Discover now