Chapter 28

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I pull the covers up over my shoulders, and snuggle into them to keep me warm.

An arm slings over me.

My eyes widen and I take a deep breath before sneaking a glance to my right.

A sleeping Louis is facing me.

Actually, it's a naked sleeping Louis.


What the fuck was I thinking?! I can't sleep with Louis! I'm basically with Michael and - oh God. Sharon! She can't find out.

I sit up quickly and almost fall to the floor as I try to get off the bed. I yank the navy blanket off of Louis, clutching it to my chest.

"Mmfgn," He groans, flipping over onto his stomach, baring his ass for the world to see.

I catch myself staring and silently curse at myself for doing this.

I scan the room for my clothes and I can't find them anywhere. The blanket begins to get uncomfortable so I pull on one of Louis's discarded button ups.

I button the first few buttons of the pink and black shirt and smile to myself in victory when I spot my underwear by the foot of the bed.

In my rush to pull them on, I jam my toe into wooden bed post.

"Fuck," I mutter, hopping around on one foot, "Fuck fuck fuck."

"Mff, Chloe?" Louis starts to shift and I freeze, balancing on one foot as I hold my throbbing toes.

"U-uh," I clear my throat, "Yeah?"

"Where the fuck is the blanket?" He mumbles into the pillow.

"Um, over here," I say and he pops his head up, blinking slowly.

God, he's cute when he's sleepy.

No! Jesus, Chloe, shut up.

He doesn't say anything for a moment. He just looks at me. I look back, making a note of how adorable his hair looks when it's messy and not greased back, how his slow blinks make him look so calm and peaceful, and how he looks so lost.

"You look hot in my shirt," He points at me, before flipping onto his back, resting his arms above his head.

My eyes travel past his face and down his body.

"Put some clothes on, why don'tcha?" I exclaim, tearing my eyes away from him, scolding myself. I can't be doing this!

I throw the blanket back to him and he catches it, resting it on his waist.

"Where the hell did you throw my clothes?!" I shout, flipping over some of his dirty clothes that were laying on the ground.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"You took 'em off!"

"Well, I wasn't gonna leave them on!"

I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"Why are ya freaking out so bad?" He asks me.

"Why am I...?" I trail off, exasperated, "Louis, do you not get it? I just fucked my best friend's boyfriend!"


"And that's cheating! Cheating on Sharon, on Michael, cheating on the Pink Lady Code!"

I plunk down on the edge of the bed, sitting on the blanket.

"They're not gonna find out."

"How the hell not? Rhonda will tell Goose and Goose will tell -"

"Rhonda can't tell Goose if no one tells Rhonda. We're not gonna tell no one, Chloe," He says simply.

I stare at him for a minute. That actually makes sense.

"Okay..." I say reluctantly. I still feel guilty for cheating.

"Come on, Chloe, don't worry so much. It'll be fine."


Sorry, it's so short! Ah! Fillers!

1961 // louis dimucciDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora