Meeting others

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(Toby's POV)

      I woke up with something cold on my chin (my mouth). For a moment I didn't know where I was, then it hit me.

"Ow!" I yelled. "What was that for?!" I stood up to see a little girl in a pink dress that looked like a nightgown. Her curly hair was long enough to her shoulders and had blood in it.

"Your awake now!" She jumped up and down with a giggle.

"Who are you?" She stopped jumping and looked at me. It looked like she was studying my face. When she finally moved she dragged me from my room.

"H-hey!" I decided to be nice to her and let her drag me. When we stopped we were in a room that looked like a living room but different. It was way smaller than a regular living room. It had a TV and coffee table. It also had a couch and chair that were matching.

  Before I could say anything, the tall man from before came into the room.

"Your late Toby." His voice scratched my goggles a little when he said that.

  Was I going to get in trouble? He looked at me. When he looked away he started to talk again.

"What is your excuse?" I looked at the ground. Do i tell him the truth? Or do I just say that I got lost and didn't notice the time until I found someone to lead me here?

I took a deep breath. I'm going to tell the truth.

"I-I'm sorry, but I seemed to fell asleep when you left me in my room. I'm sorry. I'll be careful next time." My mouth hurt when I said it. He looked at me. Then some how smiled. Considering that he doesn't have a face, it was a friendly smile.

"That was the first test to see if your worthy to be one of my proxies. You passed one of them, honesty." He patted me on the back.

"U-um, what are the others?" I asked. He looked at me in the eyes and said "That is something that is a surprise." So they are random? Great.

"Now you need to meet some people. They are just like you but some won't know how to be 'friends' with others." I got nervous when he said that. Will they like me? I turned to see a group of 5 people. One of those people was the little girl that woke me up.

"Hi!" She ran up to me and hugged me tight. The hug was like you giving a snake a hug! She giggled a little and let go of me. "I'm Sally, nice to meet ya!" She was so little, how could she kill?

The next person I saw was tall. He had a big nose with stripes on it and was wearing something you would if you were in the circus. "Hello, I'm Laughing Jack." He said putting his hand out as if to shake it. I took it and shook.

  The third person to say anything was a guy with a green suit and hat. The hat was really long but fit perfectly on his blond head.
"Hi, I'm Ben drowned." He stuck his fist out for a fist bump. When I went to give him the first bump he moved away. "Too slow!" He laughed. "Oh, shut up Ben." It was guy in a white hoodie with blood stains on it.

  He walked closer making sure that I could see his face. It had a carved smile on it. His hair was long and black like coal. His skin was like snow, but looked rough like leather. "Jeff," he began " Jeff the killer." He took one of his hand out of his pockets and held it out for me to shake. I hesitated but reached for it. He moved his hand back in his pocket. "Your stupid to think that I would let you shake my hand, Toby." He said as he walked away.

He knew my name? The tall man probably told them it.

Before I could put my hand down someone took it. It was a guy with a blue mask on with black tiers going down the eyes. His skin was grey, dark grey. He was wearing a black hoodie with his hood up. "Eyeless Jack. Nice to meet you." How many people had masks in this house? "Nice to meet you too, Jack."

"You shouldn't listen to Jeff the meanie." Sally said while holding a teddy bear up to her chest. "He doesn't mean to be mean." Ben replied to her comment. "See you tomorrow, Toby!" They all said while walking away. At least I have some friends around here.

When I was getting ready to go to sleep, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. That's when I noticed that I had a metal thing on my mouth! Has it been there all the time? I took it off and saw my cheek that was split open it freaked me out when I noticed that I could see right through it. I decided to keep the metal thing and wear it so no one could see inside of my mouth. I washed my face and went to bed. Today has been a wild day.


Author's note

Sorry about the hold up. I promise to write more often.

Thanks for reading this book so far!

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